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I jumped slightly as a loud piercing whistle sounded, cheer captain Bucky flying through as we made room for him.

"You've all heard the stories of bloodthirsty monsters who roam these woods, feasting on innocent cheerleaders" Bucky exclaimed, making some of the other cheerleaders gasp in shock as the Acey's jumped out from behind them. I rolled my eyes, looking over and smirking at Addison as I saw Bree and Bonzo grasp onto one another in fear. Addison smiled in return to my smirk as we turned to listen to Bucky once more.

"Well those stories are just silly make believe, but you better believe we're gonna break you down and build you back up into peppy little cheer machines! Like, Lacey, Stacey, and our most recent Acey – Jacey!" Bucky introduced as everyone cheered.

"Why couldn't I be the new Acey?" I whispered to Addison as everyone cheered "I could be Wacey!." Noticing the confused look Addison was giving me I quickly spoke again. "No nevermind, you're totally right, that's stupid. I don't think Bucky even knows who I am"

"Long live the Acey's!" Bucky's loud cheer interrupted my rambling. Bucky announced that the Acey's would be leading the veteran team, and that Addison and Bree would be running the newbies, or the Z Team as he called us. I was totally ready to win!

The week had gonna pretty well, the Z Team won the cheer camp cup, and now it was finally time to head home. The bus was loud with chatter as I sat in the seat behind Addison and Bree.

"Yes! I got invited to Prawn!" a member of the team cheered as the bus erupted into applause. Prawn is a big deal in Seabrook, it's like prom but extra extravagant and Mighty Shrimp themed. I'm actually pretty pumped to go.

"Getting invited to Prawn sounds great, but Bonzo won't even look at me" Bree sighed out as she glanced over at the tall zombie at the back of the bus.

"No invitation to Prawn for me either" Addison spoke sadly " do you think Zed forgot about me?"

"No way" I joined in, leaning over their seat to pop my head in between the two girls "my brother likes you way too much to forget about you.  Also, if it makes you feel better, no one's asked me either; and I don't think anyone even knows who I am anyways, so I don't even have a chance" I attempted to cheer them up with a smile. The two girls smiled back, giggling softly at my remark.

We weren't driving much longer before Bonzo stood up and motioned out the windows. On the side of the road there were signs asking Addison to Prawn. I must say, Zed was really good at making big gestures. Everyone read the signs, smiling and giggling as we drove by them before Addison and I noticed Zed standing on a ladder in the middle of the road, a sign at the end pointing towards him.

"ZED!" we both shouted as the bus drove straight towards him. The bus was thrown into chaos as the bus hit Zed and began to swerve around. I screamed as I was launched back from my standing position and back into my seat. I held onto the seat tightly as the bus lurched around, my nails digging into the leather. Everyone was being thrown side to side as the bus crashed through the trees and began racing through the woods. Eventually the bus must have hit something hard enough to stop the momentum of the bus as it came to a hard stop.

"Is everybody okay?" I called out as I undug my nails from the leather seat, leaving what almost looked like claw marks in them. No one even had time to answer me before Bucky stood up as he screamed, running through the bus and diving out the back door.

"I uh, I'll go check on him. Make sure he didn't break that face of his." I muttered, gesturing behind me where Bucky ran out. I crept out back, jumping down next to the handsome boy.

"Hey man, I uh know you never notice me, which is like totally cool. Well, actually it sucks but like, you good?" I ramble out as I lean down, preparing to shake the, what looks like unconscious boy awake. Before my hand could even touch him however, Addison raced past me and into the woods, Bucky jumping up next to me as well before passing back out. I jumped back, staring the dark haired boy who always seemed to have my attention before glancing over to where Addison ran off.

"You're fine right?" I questioned Bucky's unconscious form. "Yeah, you're fine. I'm gonna go find Adds" I finished, rushing off into the woods, chasing after the white haired girl.

"Addison, there you are. Why'd you run off?" I rushed out, as I reached my friend.

"I have to find Zed" was her quick reply as she began running further into the woods. I followed after her but we didn't get too far before we heard rustling in the trees around us. I quickly stepped in front of Addison, my one arm held out to keep her behind me.

"Who's there?" I called out softly before scoffing quietly to myself. As if whoever was out there would answer me, what kind of dumb horror movie mistake was that?

"Hello?" Addison queried as she gazed around us. Well, at least I'm not the only one acting dumb "Can anybody hear me? Zed?" Addison continued to speak. At her final call we began to see what appeared to be wolves creeping around behind the trees, but that couldn't be right – werewolves didn't exist, did they? Hearing a branch break behind us, and what sounded like footsteps, Addison and I quickly spun around. Standing on a rock not too far away was a dark skinned werewolf, her curly dark hair which had a white streak through it cascading down her back as she looked up and began to howl. A shiver went down my spine as the she-wolf howled, her eyes glowing a brilliant amber colour. A smile slowly crept onto my face as the wolves ran off quickly, almost seeming to disappear. I continued to gaze off in the direction the wolf ran as Addison gazed around. It was quiet for a moment before I was startled by Addison's scream and an echoing slapping sound. Jumping around to face the girl I saw her grinning as Zed stood next to her cradling his nose.

"Man, you really gotta stop doing that" I chuckled out as I smiled at the couple. 

"I missed you too" was Zed's reply to the girl, a large smile on his face as our little sister Zoey ran up next to me.

"Zoey!" I exclaimed with a smile, hugging the young zombie close "we're not alone out here" I quickly added as I looked around, the cheer team coming up to us now as well.

"Yeah, there's werewolves" Addison quickly added to my statement.

"Cool!" Zoey quickly cheered. I smiled at the girl's enthusiasm, ruffling her hair with my hand. Having werewolves around could be pretty cool, well I thought so.





The Acey's all called out, frantically grabbing there phones and beginning to inform everyone they knew.

"Oh boy, here we go" I sighed, raising an eyebrow at all the frantic cheerleaders before looking over towards Zed.

"No one's going to believe this" Zed quickly shrugged it off, but boy was he wrong.

Disclaimer: I do not own Disney's Zombies, the characters or dialogue from the movie. I only own Wexton and his storyline.

Hello everyone. I hope enjoy The Call so far. Do note that when there are songs I will most likely write them out with descriptions of what the characters are doing as the music in Zombies is important to the storytelling. I didn't for We Got This as I didn't think it was important for this story. Let me know what you think as you read! How are you liking Wexton as a character?


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