Chapter 29: Time to stay

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He looked up when the door swung open and in two strides he was right in front of me. I tried to open my mouth to say something, to great him, but he had different plans. His hands wrapped around my face and he pressed his lips to mine.

For a split second I didn't do anything, too overcome with the shock that George was actually here, let alone kissing me. But then my mind turned off and I melted into the kiss. It had been too long since we kissed that it felt like we were doing it for the first time.

The way his lips felt on mine, the way his hands cupped my cheeks, the way he pulled himself closer to my body, it all felt magical and above all, simple. There was no hard work in pretending to like the kissing, because it was the best thing I had felt in a really long time. For a while, I didn't think, I just felt and lost myself in the kiss.

When we finally pulled apart for breath, he stayed where he was, hands still on my cheeks and much closer than we'd normally be.

'Hi,' I let out, slightly out of breath. It occurred to me we hadn't actually greeted each other. I hadn't seen or spoken to the bloke in months and the second we laid eyes on each other, we started kissing.

'Lottie love,' he murmured, as his thumb traced a pattern on my cheek. His brown orbs stared into mine so intently that it felt like he could hear what I was thinking. 'I've been a fool and I've been blind. It's been too long and I'm too late.'

I shook my head. 'You took your time, but it's never too late,' I told him with a smile, while still looking up into his eyes.

This ignited a spark in him and a smile grew on his lips. 'Are you sure? It's not too late?'

Rather than answering, I lifted myself up on my toes to reconnect our lips. Now that I could finally have George, I wasn't about to let that opportunity go. If he wanted to be with me, then it was never too late!

This kiss was different than the previous one. It was more urgent, more hungry, more desperate. It was the cumulative of months of unanswered romantic tension. It was what you got when you denied two people to act on the feelings they so clearly had for each other.

On top of that, George was just a really good kisser. Kissing George as like walking through a field of buttercups in the middle of nowhere on a warm day in May. It felt limitless and endless and invincible. It felt exactly like I imagined skydiving to feel like. Like I was on top of the world and there was nothing that could touch me. It was light and soft and urgent and rushed and magical.

His hands travelled from my cheeks down my back to my waist, his fingers leaving a trail of fiery goosebumps behind. He pulled me flush against his body, eliminating any gaps between us. We couldn't possibly get closer to each other.

'Is Kath home?' he panted when we broke apart and when I shook my head, he smiled. 'Good.'

The hairs in the nape of my neck rose and a flash of desire took a hold of me. There was something in the way he said it, so composed and sure of himself, that made me know what he was thinking of. Even more, it made me want exactly that.

I tugged on his hand to pull George inside the flat and once the door closed behind him, I unzipped his coat. I was in a hurry now and, so it seems, was George. Clothes found their way to the floor trailing behind us as we made our way to my bedroom. By the time I closed my bedroom door, I was only in my undies and so was George.

Later, when we were sitting in the lounge, him in his slacks and undershirt and me in a jumper and a pair of baggy pyjama bottoms. I fully realised the weight of what we had just done.

I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything, instead I relished the warmth of his gaze on me. it wasn't the first time we slept together, it was our second, but it was the first time it meant the start of something else. I knew that it wouldn't be the last time we would sleep together either. If it wasn't too late for George to come back, than it wasn't too late to start something we should've started a long time ago.

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