Chapter 9: Who did you think you were?

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A knock on the front door rose me from the slumber I was in. I wasn't really asleep, more lounging on the couch in front of the telly and letting my eyes hang dangerously low. I was still exhausted from my walk with George Friday night, even if I had spent all of yesterday trying to catch up on sleep. The result was me, on a Sunday afternoon, dozing off.

On the way to the door, I desperately tried to wake myself up. It was no use, but at least the glimpse in the mirror of myself walking by, showed a girl that didn't look as tired as I definitely felt.

George was on the other side of the door and though we hadn't agreed to meet, I couldn't say I was completely surprised that he knocked on the door. A sudden wave of happiness washed over me, which did take me completely by surprise.

Friday night had been all sorts of feelings, up and down in pleasantness and just a turmoil of thoughts in general. I hadn't had the chance to properly think the night through yet and there was a lot to think through. But, judging by the happiness I felt just by seeing him, it wasn't all bad.

'Hi Geo,' I greeted him and stepped aside to let him into the flat, but he didn't move. 'How are you?'

'I might have a problem and I need your help!' he instantly said with a slightly panicking look on his face. He wiped his hands on his trousers, as if they were clammy, or maybe it was just a nervous habit.

I raised my eyebrows. 'What's going on? What do you need me to do?' It must surely be something big, if he was knocking on my door looking this bewildered.

'Brian told us last night we're going to Sweden at the end of the month,' he explained, as if it was a good explanation. Which it wasn't.

'So?' I shook my head, not understanding him. What on earth was he getting at? So what if he was going to Sweden at the end of the month? Why would he need my help right now?

'Well, he asked for our passports so he can book the plane tickets,' he cleared up. A sheepish look came over him. 'I seem to have misplaced my passport.'

My eyes widened. 'What? Didn't you just come back from America?' I asked. I knew he did and if I wasn't mistaken, you needed a passport for that too.

'I know! That's why I have a problem. Can you please help me look? I need it tomorrow!' he finally manages to sputter out the reason he knocked on my door. 'Please! I wouldn't ask if it wasn't such an emergency!'

I sigh, but then give a nod. 'Of course,' I told him and I reach for my keys, pocketing them on my way out of the door. The door of the flat was one of those that, once it was closed, couldn't be opened without a key. Of course concierge downstairs had a key, but they didn't really do out-of-office hours, let alone coming in over the weekend. I wasn't in the mood to be locked out for an undisclosed period of time, so I took the keys with me.

A small smile found its way onto my face. The thought that George came to me for help looking for his passport, surely warmed me up inside. It was a clear sign that something was growing between us, whatever that something may be.

George was clearly in a hurry, or just panicking at the thought of not being able to find his passport in time. He ushered me through the front door of his flat and down the hall to the bedrooms. A quick glance towards the living room showed me that it was deserted. This struck me as odd. I knew that the amount of people living in this flat was more than there was bedrooms for. Where were all these boys hanging out, if they weren't in their flat?

I hadn't been in George's room before. I had only been in his flat once before, which was at the party and we had stayed in the living room then. He didn't even seem to realise this as he opened the door of the bedroom at the end of the hall, the very one, I noticed, my own room was right next to.

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