Chapter 7: I need a map for her eyes.

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Well, as I write  these words, it is christmas eve:D So, I adapted the original chapter a little bit and made it a bit more festive. That's why I uploaded so late:3 Sorry, but thanks for reading. Merry christmas and a happy new year!:D


The two teens walked together quietly. There was nothing to say. Eventually, Hiranti decided he should have formulated some kind of plan as to where they were going.


'Yes?' Kamikazu looked up at Hiranti, of whom was much taller.

'Did you want to go shopping?'

'That was the original plan' Kamikazu replied, with an ever so subtle curl of the lips, which was too much for Hiranti to handle. His head was ablaze with a flurry of whizzing thoughts and blushing. His mind was screaming, HOW THE HELL CAN PEOPLE BE THIS CUTE? JUST, NO! WHY? SHE DOESN'T EVEN TRY! JUST KILL ME NOW!-

His thoughts were interrupted by Kamikazu.

'Did you want to?' 

'Um,' Hiranti coughed again as he brought himself back to earth. 'Yeah! Sure!'

'Awesome' Kamikazu beamed. 'How are we getting there?' 

'There's a shopping mall a bus ride away.'

'Okay' Kamikazu smiled again before trading her eye contact with Hiranti for the pathway in front of her.

'The bus stop is about 5 minutes away.' Hiranti spoke. 'Actually, it's a coincidence that we're heading the right way!' He laughed nervously while scratching the back of his head awkwardly. Kamikazu humoured him, and chuckled a little.

Once again, Kamikazu and Hiranti were covered with a deep, thick, fog of silence. Until they saw the   bus pass them.

'Crap! We're going to miss it!' Hiranti exclaimed, taking Kamikazu by the arm urgently but gently. The two ran together to the bus stop ahead and arrived just as soon as the last person hopped on.

'Phew.' Kamikazu sighed as she slumped into a seat.

'Phew.' Hiranti also sighed as he sat beside her.

The bus jittered to a start and began to travel forward.

Hiranti and Kamikazu shared a rather nervous laugh, the kind that screamed 'that could have been bad'.

'What did you need to buy?' Hiranti mumbled to Kami as he fiddled with his shoelaces.

'Well, for a start I'll need a few shirts and a few pairs of trousers. Maybe some gloves, some pajamas, you know. Just the normal stuff. Did you have a shopping list?'

'Not really. I can't buy for myself. I have no taste!' Hiranti laughed a little.

'I could help you pick something out.' Kamikazu's dark, ebony eyes met Hiranti's again.

Hiranti spluttered as he tried to control his quickened pulse.

'That would be helpful' He smiled. 'As long as it's not too much trouble!' He blabbered.

'No, it's fine' Kamikazu smiled back as she pushed her long hair out of her face. 'I think I need to buy something else to wear. I don't like dresses.' She added.

'Huh? You look beautiful!' Hiranti facepalmed. 'Uh, I mean-'

'Thanks!' Kamikazu laughed, realising his embarrassment and cutting his sentence short to make his life easier. Hiranti sighed. 

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