Chapter 8: lost.

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Hello my beautiful little bonbons! We're already on chapter 8!:o Before I start, I just wanted to say that there was a pretty noticeable time skip. I said it was autumn in the first chapter now a few days later, its Christmas XD I guess that's what you get for not re reading the last chapter before starting a new one X_X I just wanted to point at out because it was a pretty damn stupid thing to write XD


Treading softly on the thin dusting of snow that lay tiredly on the ground, Hiranti and Kamikazu made their way to the entrance of the mall with joined hands. Hiranti's face burned the colour of a rosy apple, but kamikazu stayed calm and collective. On the outside.

On the inside, her heart did leaps and loops and tumbles and twirls in a flurry of longing and happiness.

Then she snapped out of it. People didn't love her, so she shouldn't feel happy. She had his comradery, not his heart. Her heart sunk, but her thoughts didn't. She continually bashed and insulted herself, slowly taking away the spring in her step, the twinkle in her eye, the butterflies in her stomach, the love in her smile.

'Um, kamikazu? Are you OK?' Hiranti's soft and concerned face greeted Kamikazu when she lazily allowed her black eyes to drift towards the source of the question.


'You alright? You look upset.'

'I-I, well...'

'You're not okay.' Hiranti decided and he lead Kamikazu off to a nearby bench. He sat her down, and turned is whole body to face her before speaking.

'What's wrong?'

Kamikazu sighed. She didn't want to go into this because she might end up spilling her secret.

'kamikazu, tell me.' hiranti repeated, with his eyes digging into Kamikazu, begging for her to tell him.

Kamikazu took a deep breath, looked him straight in the eye, opened her mouth to speak, then the words flew from her mouth in a flurry.

'My family. I hate my family. I'm always in my siblings' shadow, my dad is a b******, my mum is hardly ever even around because she's out drinking all day and then she's at home shouting at us at night. I can't be loved by anyone! My family, of all people, should love me, and if they don't, how could you?' Kamikazu choked. She had said too much. Damn.


'Don't say a word. I didn't mean it that way.' She lied.

Hiranti was crushed. He believed her. How could she say that?

'I didn't say you did.' Hiranti coughed, hoping kamikazu wouldn't realise his suddenly rigid posture.

Kamikazu turned away because she couldn't face the fact she had hurt her true love. Consequently, Hiranti reciprocated her actions and they ended up looking straight on with a pained silence slicing between them.

Never had the pavement looked so interesting.

Finally, kamikazu bit the bullet.

'Hiranti, I'm sorry.'

Hiranti looked at kamikazu with his broken black eyes. Kamikazu's face was burning red and her eyes welled with tears.

Kamikazu couldn't choke anymore words from her dry throat, so she simply stood up and walked away. She was so absorbed in her thoughts and the sound of the crunching snow beneath her small feet that she didn't realise that her purse had fallen from her pocket.

Hiranti simply watched her blonde hair blow in the wind before she disappeared into the whiteness.

He sat there, contemplating his next actions. Go home? Go after her? Continue with the day planned? He fumbled with his confused thoughts before his gaze drifted to the red bag on the floor beside his foot. He picked it up and examined it. It was definitely Kamikazu's.

Then it dawned on him.

She had no money with her.

No phone.

No idea where she was.

And nobody with her.

Hiranti's heart began to thump in his chest as the awful reality sunk in.

He was scared for kamikazu. He didn't want her to be lost or stranded anywhere, so he got up and walked briskyly in the direction Kamikazu had left.

He had to find her before she was put in danger.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and tried not to pay any attention to the stinging cold that tingled on his face as he marched through the snow. He walked aimlessly for a while, trusting his gut and trying to ignore his sorry so he could think logically about the direction he should endeavor next.

This did not work.

He couldn't find Kamikazu anywhere. He then resorted to asking strangers if they had seen her, providing the briefest of hurried descriptions.

Somewhere, in a sketchy back ally that she did not favour to the bright lights be safety of the town, Kamikazu wandered. Equally as aimlessly. Lost. Lost and hopeless. She did not want to ask for directions from any of the greasy and dirty men that were scattered around. Eventually, she came to a bus stop. She thanked the heavens and hopped on the next bus.

The bus driver asked for the money and Kamikazu rolled of the sleeves of hiranti's big coat to get her purse. She froze. Where was her purse? It had all her money in! She couldn't pay for her ticket so she left the bus and watched as it jittered to a start and drove away.

She started walking again, not knowing if she was going the right or wrong way. She felt so alone. So small. So cold.

'You IDIOT!' A particularly pissed off young girl's voice blasted from Hiranti's phone.

'First, you attack Minoru, then you LOSE Kamikazu?!' She shrieked.

'Do you honestly think I'm pleased about the way today has panned out?' Hiranti growled back. 'now just get your butts down here and help.' He snapped before snapping his phone shut. He collapsed into a nearby bench, exhausted from searching. He watched his breaths condense into clouds and float away. It was quiet. Serene, maybe. But not for long.

'There you are, you asswipe.' Koranna grumbled as she appeared from around the corner.

'Pleasure to see you, as always.' Hiranti sarcastically groaned as he tipped his head back and closed his eyes. He signed, sat up, and looked at his siblings.

Koranna stood looking very impatient and furious with Minoru's hand in hers. She used her free hand to drum her fingers frustratedly on the bench and Minoru used his free hand to tap away at his phone.

None of the trio wanted to be in this situation, all for three different reasons.

The atmosphere was more than a little volatile before they began to formulate a plan.


So, I bring you chapter 8! Next chapter should be up relatively soon, (she says) so goodbye for now:3 drop a comment?

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