Chapter 9: Minoru's Secret

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I'm really starting to add these chapters quickly ^o^ Yay! It's mainly because I have really, really big things I want to happen around the middle and end. I hope you aren't getting bored with what I'm uploading now:O! I am starting to feel like it's just filler, so I'l try and get on with it XD

Also, I've considered posting song lyrics here like I saw while I was reading 'Shatter'. (One of my favourite fanfictions of all time, so go read it if you ship Itacest XD) Just to kind of sum up the mood of the chapter. Idk. XD I'll do that starting next chapter.

Also, I'm thinking of drawing some art for the story so that you can visualise the characters better. The whole story started out as rough sketches, so I know what they look like, but writing in words is difficult and I don't quite know if you're picturing them as well as me.

For now, enjoy this chapter:3


'Well, seeing how you're the idiot who lost her in the first place. I don't see why we're here. Nevertheless, let's start.' Koranna said, still angry eyes stabbing Hiranti.

'Korrana, I'm fine. You don't need to be an ass-' Minoru began

'Then it's decided!' Koranna interrupted. 'We will all split up. Hiranti can take back streets, I will go this way,' Koranna pointed to the left street, 'And Minoru, you go this way.' She pointed to the right.

'Who decided this!?' Hiranti protested.

'I did. Now break!' Koranna said before briskly walking down her designated street. Minoru and Hiranti shared a confused look then they reluctantly set off.

Koranna had her game face on and she was determined to find Kamikazu before the boys. For her, it had turned into a competition. In her mind, she was screaming 'GIRL POWER!'

Minoru was just plodding along. It felt weird walking alone. He was used to being dragged around by his sister. He was so absorbed in studying the ground in his newfound strange lonliness, he bumped into a little girl.

'Sorry,' he muttered to the small child before driving his hands deep into his pockets and continuing.

'No prob, hang on-' The girl replied, 'M-Minoru?'

Minoru's head whipped round and saw Kamikazu stood there, cold, red cheeked, wrapped up in Hiranti's coat, looking very lost and almost as though she had been crying.

'Kamikazu?' Minoru approached her with kind eyes. She simply looked down. Minoru then repeated her name. 'Kamikazu?' 

Kamikazu couldn't hide it anymore. She had been alone for hours and she was actually happy to see the little idiot. She looked up at him with her eyes streaming and ran towards him before tackling him into a hug. 


'Sup.' She said casually, without letting go of him. Minoru was really confused. More confused than he'd ever been. Kamikazu and him were already enemies, or rather, frenemies, or whatever you'd call it. They weren't exactly 'chummy', even though they had only known each other no more than 48 hours. Now she was hugging him and, he couldn't lie, he was happy to see her.

'You're an idiot.' He said before hugging Kamikazu back. Despite Minoru being 3 years younger than Kamikazu, her head could nuzzle nicely into his chest. Nobody on earth could deny that she wasn't freaking adorable sometimes.

'Shut up, retard.' She replied, her voice muffled by Minoru's coat that she had buried her face in.

They must have stayed in this, very weird, out of character, hug for a whole two minutes before Minoru finally broke away and reached for his phone in his pocket. 

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