The HoO Mansion

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Sophie's POV

A girl about my age with curly blonde hair and gray eyes answered the door.

"Hi! We're from across the street, we just moved in, we just wanted to say hi." I tell the girl.

"Hi! We just moved in too. I'm Annabeth. Come in!" The girls opens the door further and steps to the side so we can enter the house. It's just as beautiful on the inside as the outside, keeping the same Greek architecture. 

The girl leads us to a room full of nine other teens our age. All of them look at us with critical, assessing eyes.

"These are our neighbors from across the street. They also just moved in." Annabeth introduces us.

I telepathically remind everyone to speak in English. "Hi! I'm Sophie," I say. "This is Fitz, Biana, Keefe, Dex, Wylie, Linh, Tam, Marella, and Stina." After their respective name, everyone says "hi".

(A/N Fitz's full name is Fitzroy, so technically he could also go by Roy and it would make sense, and I just find that hilarious)

Annabeth introduces her friends too. "This is Percy, Hazel, Frank, Nico, Will, Thalia, Reyna, Leo, and Calypso." Huh. Calypso is the name of a Greek goddess. Cool namesake. They all have a chorus of "hi"'s. "You guys can sit, you don't have to just stand there. We were just doing some homework."

Everyone spreads out around the room. Marella, Linh, Tam, and Wylie sit on the massive couch with Percy, Frank, Hazel, Leo, and Calypso. Keefe and Dex move to the other side of the room and stand - there were still too hyped up on sugar to relax and sit - near where Reyna and Thalia were sitting on the floor. Annabeth goes to the couch next to Percy, where she must have been sitting before, and Fitz, Biana and I sit near a table in the center of the room, near Will, who was sitting on the floor, leaning against a chair that Nico was sitting in.

"So... Do you guys go to Goode?" I ask.

"Yeah. Today was their first day. I've gone for about a year." Percy responds.

"So, where are you from?" Asks Hazel. The question is innocent and kind, but it is met with multiple "uh..."'s. Fitz saves the day by just saying,

"All over the world. We travel a lot." It's not technically a lie...

"How did you all meet?" Marella asks.

"Camp." Leo replies. He's fidgeting with a couple pieces of metal and some tools. Dex goes over to him and they start to have a separate conversation about whatever technopaths talk about to those with similar interests. Within a few minutes it looks like Dex taught Leo how to make a mini bomb, just with what Leo had in the tool belt he was wearing. Meanwhile, the rest of us awkwardly talk about things like the fact that both groups of us live alone, without adults, in a huge mansion. Keefe eventually gets led upstairs by Reyna to a bathroom (he drank a lot of coke).

"I'm hungry. Does anyone want something to eat?" Asks Will.

"Oh! We can bring over some mallowmelt, or something if you want." I offer.

"Whats mallowmelt?" Thalia asks.

"How would you describe it?" Biana asks me. Seeing as I'm the only person who grew up with human food, I do my best to explain it. Nico says that it sounds good, so I use that as an opportunity to see Edaline, and to practice my momentum teleportation from just running in the backyard. I go back to our house, and after a couple tries, I channel as much strength as I can into my legs, maybe even using a little brain push, and there is a crack! as the void opens up, dumping me in the kitchen of Havenfield.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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