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Disclaimer - I own none of the characters, they all belong to Shannon Messenger and Rick Riordan

The chapter title will always be where the scene starts out.

I write on an iPad that is pretty old so idk how to do tabs (indents), bold, underline or italics.

'...' means thoughts. (versus "..." is dialogue)


Sophie's POV

The name "Alden Vacker" flashed across the screen of my imparter. What now? I grabbed the imparter and answered his call.

"What's up?" I asked, dreading his answer. What if it was another dangerous journey where my friends risk their lives, to help me. The Moonlark.

"There is a meeting with the council. You, Dex, Keefe, Marella, Fitz, Biana, Tam, Linh, Wylie and Stina were requested to meet here, at Everglen in 30 minutes." Alden answered. "They said something about your request for a human alliance."

At that last sentence, I felt a grateful grin break across my face.

"Finally! I need to get ready, and I'll be there as soon as I can. Is there anything I need to do to prep?"

"No, but I'm sure no one would argue with some of Edaline's treats..." He trailed off, with a hopeful glint in his eyes.

I laughed. "I'll bring what I can," I said with a smile.

-Time Skip-

I arrived in front of the glowing gates, towering in front of the mansion, with a plate of assorted ripplepuffs in one hand and some mallowmelt in the other.

"Sophie!" Called a crisp accent. "You're here! And I see you've brought food!" Fitz had a greedy expression on his face.

"Hey! Their not all yours!" Keefe called, as he materialized next to me, surprising me a little, but not enough to show. "Ha!" Keefe smirked. "Did I just scare the Mysterious Miss F?" I blushed. "And I made her blush! This day is getting better and better! But back to more important matters." Keefe said suddenly looking like he was reprimanding a small child. "I'm sure Foster brought them to share... With me and me alone." With that he reached for a toffee flavored ripplepuff.

Before he took one, I slapped Keefe's hand away. "Neither of you get any until everyone is here and we're all sitting down. Now Fitz, care to let us in?" I smirked when he blushed.

Just then, Tam and Linh appeared.

"Sorry." Fitz said, looking embarrassed.

"Is anyone else here yet?" Linh asked as Fitz unlocked the gate with his dna.

"Yeah, you're the last people here. Everyone else is with Biana, trying to figure out what the Councils gonna tell us." With that, I remembered what I was doing here.

-Time Skip-

Everyone perked up when Emery spoke. I wiped my sticky fingers on the corner of my cape.

"We have thought about your request to make an alliance with the humans. We have agreed, well most of us have," he grumbled under his breath the last bit, and some of the Councilors, *cough* Councilor Alina *cough* glared at him, "it is time to stop holding grudges and try to make an alliance with the humans. But-" I sucked in a breath, "we are not willing to do so without proof that we can trust them." I relaxed, exhaling slowly. "We are going to send you to one of the biggest human cities," Councilor Emery paused for effect, and everyone looked like they they were trying to imitate frogs, their eyes were so bulging and wide. I assumed my expression was just as surprised and funny looking. "New York. There you will be attending Goode High. You will pose as humans, and see if we can trust them, and gain their trust in return. You will do your best to act like normal human teenagers, and make friends. You will meet here to leave tomorrow at noon." And with that, the meeting adjourned.

Kotlc and Hoo crossover- elves and demigods in high schoolWhere stories live. Discover now