Th HoO Mansion

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Annabeth POV

"There he is," Olivia whispered, gesturing to Percy. I told her that we knew him and we're going to surprise him. His head was turned, giving me the perfect opportunity to surprise him. I walked up to him, smirking at the looks everyone was giving me.

"Hey Percy," I purred in my imitation of a slut. I made my voice higher than it normally went, and I made myself want to gag. "Wanna come to my house after school? My parents aren't home..."

"Listen, I have a girlfriend, and I love her!"

I hopped onto his back and let my hair fall in in eyes. His arms instinctively caught me. I fake gasped and in my normal voice I asked, "You cheated on me? I thought you knew better! Then again, you are a Seaweed Brain."

"Wise Girl!" He said turning around. He remembered I was on his back and turned around to face me, as a snickered. Everyone's eyes stayed on me, waiting to see what would happen. He kissed me. I kissed him back. We ignored all the stares and the fact that we were gonna be really late to class.

"What are you doing with my boyfriend?!" A voiced screeched.

"Emily, you're not my girlfriend and you never will be! This is my amazing girlfriend Annabeth!" Emily had medium length strait blonde hair, that actually looked natural, but she had on way to much make-up and was wearing clothes that were too revealing.

"More like Annabad! Why would you date her, when you could have me? She's just a dumb blonde!"

"One, seriously? Annabad? Two, she's the smartest person I know! Three, you're blonde! You can't say someone's a dumb blonde when you're blonde!"

Everyone laughed at the last bit.

"Thanks Percy, but I can handle my self." I turned to face Emily. "Call me a dumb blonde again, and you'll regret it. Don't think I can't stand up for myself, and DON'T think you can take my place as Percy's girlfriend. With that I turned back to Percy. "Everyone else is here too. He turned and saw everyone else.

*Time Skip*

After school, we walked home because we decided to wait until Percy was here to drive our cars. When we got home, I saw some  teenagers walking around the yard in the house across the street. They looked like they were exploring, so they must have also just moved in.

I showed Percy around, and all he said was, "Wow." We got to the rooms no one had explored yet. And everyone came with us. 

We went  to the third floor again and it was all a training room. It was huge. One side had mats and punching bags. Another was concrete floor and had dummies. The whole back wall was a weapon rack, and there was a water dispenser for refilling water bottles.

The fourth floor was a movie room on one side, with a TV as big as the one downstairs. There was a huge rack, filled with DVDs. The chairs were all super fancy and comfortable.

The other side was the ladies cave, courtesy of Aphrodite. It was not as girly as I thought it would be, and it was pretty great. Yeah, there was a huge make up station, and lots of outfits, but it would be fun to give each othe makeovers. The other side was perfect for a sleepover, with a 60" TV, video games, a mini library, and lots of games.

The fifth floor was made of glass, and was like a greenhouse on one side, with lots of beautiful flowers. The other side was an indoor hot tub with another huge TV. 

We were about to walk back downstairs when Leo complained.

"Why can't there be an elevator? My legs huuuurrttt!"

"Uh, there is an elevator. I saw it earlier. I thought we wanted to use the stairs and you guys all noticed it too." That earned Hazel a couple of playful glares. She just smiled sheepishly. "Uh.. It's over here. She led us to a tucked away corner of the room.

Leo started pushing the button like his life depended on it, but the doors opened in seconds. We stepped in, it was big enough for all, of us, and Will pushed the button for the first floor. We stepped out into the kitchen, and dispersed to start homework. Me and Percy were cuddling on the couch while I "helped" (really he gave me his baby seal face and i couldn't say no to doing it for him) him with his math.

DING DONG. I wonder who's here?

"I'll get it!" I called, dropping my pencil.

Kotlc and Hoo crossover- elves and demigods in high schoolWhere stories live. Discover now