Nori's POV

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(this chapter starts when hajime is in kasumiś room ALERT important info kasumi and nori live right next to eachother like there windows are side by side and in case you forgot nori is currently chilling in his room watching kamisama kiss )

After about thirty minutes of kamisama I get up to use the bathroom.I notice my window is open and head over to close it.

When I notice kasumi's  window is open.I freeze a bit,None other then hajime azumane is laying on kasumi's shoulder.I dont care about kasumi's love life one bit honestly he could marry a rock for all I cared..... but to see him so close to hajime was disgusting, I mean I knew they were long time friends but I didnt think they were more then that plus I absoulutley hate hajime and if I had to have him join us on trips because hes kasumis "boyfriend" I dont think I could stand it.

I close the blinds to the window and hope Kasumi didn't notice me watching.I didnt need him thinking,I was a creep spying on him or something.That would just fill his ego tch he really is annoying.

I ruffle my hair flopping on my bed, even thinking about him is making me annoyed.I head down stairs to the kitchen where my papa is reading and my dad is watching the sports channel.

I haven't the slightest idea how my papa reads while my dad is shouting at the tv with the sports channel on blast.My papa looks up giving me a small smile he pats the seat on the sofa next to him ushering me to sit down.

I sit down by his side resting my head lightly on his shoulder looking at whatever he's reading even though I'm not interested in it.

He makes an oh face like he's remembered something and starts speaking. "Nori were having our Sunday dinner this week"

I take my head of his shoulder surprised "huh but I thought we couldn't have those anymore cause kenma works now on sundays"

"They have changed his schedule agian so he's available now"I give my papa a weak smile seeing kasumi evrey week for hours on end didn't sound very appealing.My dad seemed to have overheard cause he paused the tv and looked at my papa with sparkly eyes.

"Kuroo bro is coming over"my dad almost squealed like a little girl

"Yes bokuto there coming over for dinner on Sunday"The smile on my dads face was ever lasting as he started pumping his fist in the air out of exciment.He quicky brought his attention to the game agian though when my papa said he'd have to get some sleep soon and my dad insisted he would go after the game was over.

I grabbed some water and headed back upstairs to my room telling my parents good night even though I knew I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon.

I sat on my bed contemplating I could pretend I was sick on dinner day and not attend but that would only work this week, what about the weeks after this week.Sunday dinner happned evrey week and it lasted forever cause kuroo and bokuto never seem to want to part ways.

At the end I decided it was best if I just went, that way I could see kenma me and kasumi's papa were really close I loved his vibe and he always recommended the best games.

I fell asleep at almost 2am my sleep schedule was fucked for sure.The next day was pretty boring I stayed home most  of the day and watched anime.I tried to fall asleep early though because the day after that was Sunday and I didn't want kenma and kuroo to see me with eyebags and start asking questions.
(Time skip to Sunday morning)

On sunday morning I wake up at 3:00pm  due to the fact I went to sleep so late.I go downstairs to find a covered plate on the dining table with a note that says ¨me and your dad went out to buy some things to prepare  a pie to bring for sunday dinner by the time we come back be ready with what your wearing for dinner¨I take the note off the plate and  and remove the cover on it to find waffles but not just any waffles.I can tell my dad made them, though my papa is calmer and most people would guess hes the better cook my dad is really good at making breakfeast.I sit down and chow down on the cold but good waffles.I take out my phone to face time saku.

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