Nori's Pov

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The breath I was holding comes out thick and heavy.I slam my hand on table as the hairs on the back of my neck start to relax."Why the hell was that bastard staring at me he's so weird"I whispered angrily.

"Who's weird"

I jump as I see ritsuko standing in front of me cocking his head.I give him a punch in the arm though I know it didn't hurt him.

"What the hell is wrong with you creeping up on people like that what are you a stalker"I give him the don't do that shit agian look even though I now he will probally do it agian and he gives me the fine I wont fuck with you look even though he will most likley mess with me in a couple minutes.

"Okay you win"he puts his hands up in the defeat and gently runs his hand up and down his arm while making a pouty face"you didn't have to hit me nori that hurt"

"Stop lying you big cry baby"I say punching him in the shoulder again

He starts bursting into laughter "what's up with you and hitting people huh got a fetish"he teases

"If I did you would be totally into it so don't complain"I give him a playful wink are conversations almost always went like this from banter to punching to playful flirting

"I'm mean your not wrongggg" he drags out the wrong dramatically as bats his eyeslashes.we both burst into piles of laughter

His face goes back to being serious though as he seems to remember something .I mean that is his everyday face so I shouldn't be suprised but when it's just me and him he never does that face he always shows me his other side.Why was he making that face did I do something I try to think back on what happned, before I get a chance to say something he looks me in the eyes giving me that someone is gonna die today look.
"Is someone bothering you nori"I give him a confused look

"No why"he looks at me with disbelief on his face did he think I was lying he knows me well enough to know I wouldn't let people bully me

"You said someone's weird and slammed your hand on the table when I walked in you also looked like you had seen a ghost"I gave him the are you kidding me look and I sighed

"It's no big deal some kid was just staring at me"if I told him who it was he would just make a big deal out of it and there was no need for that.

"Who was ill teach them some manners and that staring at people is rude"I put a hand on the side of his arm that seemed to calm him down.

"Listen I don't now who it was and I don't remember there face correctly they were probably just some transfer student admiring my beauty"I gave a nervous laugh ritsu knew me better then anybody I wonder if he could see through my lie.

He shrugged and ran a hand threw his hair.I jumped my eyes flying to the clock "shit look at the time we're gonna miss lunch"food was my favorite part of the day it's one of the only things I enjoy in life and I'll be damned if I can't eat my lunch because of a trivual thing as someone staring.

I got up out of my chair shoving my school books in my bag ,I pulled on ritsuko's wrist as he laughs at my antics he knows how excited I get for lunch when he finnaly gets up we both practically sprint to the lunch room he must have been hungry too even though he wouldn't admit it.I kept a fast pace as we entered the lunch room and as quickly as a snow flake melts ritsu's smile was gone he was back to having that serious don't mess with me or I'll cut you face.

I looked over for our table and there it was like always I see saku wave at us with a warm smile
He's the sweetest thing you'll ever meet he's like a mom. I sware he has that sweet parenting vibe that my parents lack.Not that there not the best but my dad is clueless almost 24/7 and my other dad is pretty much on serious mode all the time.I sit down next to saku with ritsu sitting across from me I begin to baiscally inhale my food.

"You should slow down before you choke nori san"I slow down and give him a smile "your probally right saku"he gives me a smile back and I realize I'm done with my food just as I go in for another bite.

I sigh and look around me.My eyes seem to land on his table like it's natural I watch as he sits and laughs with his friends he sure is mr.popular he has a new girlfriend evrey week and he breaks girls hearts left and right he's such a dick.He pisses me the hell off , my face scrunches up but I quickly relax it before ritsu notices.I shift my eyes from just him to his whole table.Sitting right next to him of course is his bestfriend reiji who also happens to be ritsuko's twin but reijis the biggest two faced bitch you'll ever meet.Then across from Kasumi is your local pretty boy his name is fumiko (oikawa and iwa Chan's kid)he never stops looking in the mirror but somehow his test grades are some of the highest in the whole school and I sware all he ever thinks about is gossip.Then next to him is the one and only jock Tatsuya (ushijima and tendo's kid)he basically dominates at any sport! and with his height and don't bother me face he practically scares off anyone who comes close to him.Honestly I think he looks like he bites people I don't now how his friends deal with him.

"Hey there guys!!!"I recognized that voice it was bright and cheery but also it seemed like it was hiding something like it had a secret it couldn't hold in I hated that voice.I looked up I wasn't mistaken I knew who it belonged to Hajime(noya and asahi kid).I looked down as fast as I looked up I had no motivation to talk to him at all.

"Aww what's wrong nori did you bite your tongue is that why you can't say hello"

I was just about to respond when I felt saku's  hand on my back "Hajime don't tease nori why are you here anyways"saku questioned

Hajime is the type of person who sits at all the tables at lunch they don't have a place they actully belong too but they can pretty much sit and talk with anyone they want as long as they don't stay there permently.Hajime is also the type like kasumi to get in a realtionship and break up the next week though Hajime is into older dudes unlike kasumi who's into girls his age with slender thighs and full d cups.Hajime is also the type to act sweet and innocent and put on an I'm a happy teenager act but under all that fake hes actully a selfish lowlife.He pretty much fools evreybody though with the im so cute and friendly attitude well evreybody except me I saw right through him and I hate people who are not themselves.

"Nori"ritsu shook me and I looked at him as I blinked my eyes I looked around Hajime was gone I must have zoned out while he was blabbering or ritsu got tired of his yapping and told him to beat it.Either way he's gone and it's time for class.As I was getting out of my seat and making my way to english,evreyone could clearly hear the whisper yelling coming from the music room.We all ignored it because we had heard it too many times before it's satomi ( kageyama and hinata son)and his girlfriend probably going threw another breakup.I don't understand him clearly if they have gotten back together 28 million times and it hasn't worked out it's not gonna work out the next time he should end it for good but then agian it's none of my business.

I only know satomi through kenma.Kenma is my dad Akaashi's bestfriend.Kenma also has another bestfriend named hinata and hinata is one of satomi's parents .So that's how I know him it's not like we're super close though but sometimes when im forced to sleepover kasumi's house and satomi sleeps over too satomi will vent to me about what's going on in his life so I guess I now a little bit more than others about his realtionship.

From the sound of it this fight seems a little more serious then the others.Not because it's louder or anything it's because its quieter could it really be over this time.

I walk into class waving bye too ritsu sadly this year we don't have any of the same classes together so we don't get to see eachother as often.

I take my usual spot in the back near the window looking through it even though the things outside the window will never change I always find myself looking out of it instead of paying attention to class as if I'm going to see something new.

I find myslef thinking maybe thats how satomi feels about his girlfriend if his girlfriend is the window in the anolagy either shes a really pretty window or he has too much connection and memories with that window to stop looking out of it.Then agian it couldve not even been half that deep , maybe he has nothing better to do then sit and stare at that same window and honestly hes just looking for a better window to come his way.

Authors note-please dont hate hajime hes just very misunderstood.sorry im making him such a bitch but at least hes a bad bitch.

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