Nori's Pov

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On monday kasumi showed up to first period but was absent the rest of the day.He didnt come on tuesday either and when I went to my room his shades were closed it was strange because he never closes his shades.

Not even in the morning when the light is so bright you could be eaisly be blinded.

I dont ask where he is cause he shows up to school on wensday agian like he never left.

its not my place to ask where he's gone so I go to my classes like normally and take him out of mind.

The days go by like normal nothing really happened but friday is a bit weird besides the fact there is a party on saturday and saku is forcing me and ritsu to go reiji kept giving me this weird glare from his lunch table.

reiji and me  have  a certain realtionship that isnt exactly friendly but for the most part we dont pay eachother any mind.It weird he staring at me I dont remember doing anything to him.

Not like I care if I did upset him.I head home straight after school because im meeting up with my friends after I change.

I get ready into some kahki color pants and a navy blue sweatshirt with a white collar.

I head to the frozen yougurt shop  walking as its not too far and when I get there ritsu is seated at one of the tables near the back.I wave to him and he gives me a the small smile he always does.

I enter the shop and sit down next to him.

"did you wait long?"

"no not at all I just arrived myself"I nod at his anwser fiddling my fingers a bit I wanna ask about reiji but it would be a bit weird since I dont usally ask about him

"what is it"that's just like ritsu to know when something is on my mind

"is reiji alright?"I ask slowly 

"I belive so why?" he questions

"no just cause he was being weird today"

"well hes been a bit strange this week he came home and slammed the door to the house  yelling at anyone who even tried to go near his room."he shook his head reminiscing and continued"he's just like my papa when hes angry acts all sweet but you dont wanna get him mad well expcept the act sweet part reiji is anything but an angel"

"so you think he's mad about something"he shrugs in response

"maybe I never know with him"he gives a short anwser as the waiter comes by and ask us what frozen yogurt type we want and I say strawberry while ritsu ask for chocolate.

saku is the next to come in holding a bag full of who knows what 

"hey guys what are we talking about"he says taking a seat across from us 

"about how we dont like you"I make a blank face

"really how fascinating I was just speaking about that with atsushi yesterday you guys really are unlikeable"saku says shaking his head in that motherly way.At that moment atsushi is walking in.

"we were talking about what yesterday?"atsushi chimes at that we all laugh at atsushi being confused and not getting the joke clueless as always 

He sits down next  to   saku  and sighs but then  I realize he also has a bag with him strange what are they planning.

"what are the bags for?"I ask 

"oooh those"saku smiles making a face like hes thinking about it when I can tell he already know's.

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