Reiji and kasumis POV

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authours note-they dont have school today because number one I said so and number two fuck school and number three its a holiday anygayyyss


I woke up just close to 11:00am  my house was pretty silent that means ritsu went out already and my parents are at work.I slip on a hoddie and some slippers before heading out the door.Im not gonna get ready because after what im about to do I just wanna lay in bed and cry with my soft hoddie.

The walk to kasumi's isnt the shortest so I go on my phone while I walk there when I reach the door to his house I pace around a bit on his lawn thinking up what ill even say to him

I had all this time to think on the walk here but my mind has gone blank I decide to not think too much and knock on the door.

ill find the words when its the right time.

When nobody answers I ring the door bell I do this about 5 more times before a bedheaded kasumi comes down stairs

"rough night"I say when he opens the door and he just looks down at me leaving the door open so I can come in

I close the door behind me and walk over to the couch we had just been sitting on yesterday the couch where I had said all those things

"kasumi"I call his name quietly

kasumi looked at me now seeming to be fully awake and took a seat on the couch next to me.

"would you ever stop being my friend"

"I dont think so"

"what if I was liar"

"why would you lie"

I look at him my eyes glistening from the tears that are brimming from my eyes

"because im selfish"

"but arent  we all"

"not you"I avoid his gaze

"thats not true"he answers, I shake my head in disagreement

"it is true"

kasumi changes the subject because he can tell I wont take no for an answer and ask me  a question ive been dreading all along

"what did you lie about"

"where do I begin"I give him a soft smile and he looks concerned I wonder if he will hate me after this

"kasumi nori loves you.."he says nothing

"and you love nori"his face is blank

"and I love you so I lied so you wouldnt love nori"

at this he blinks "that doesnt matter anymore"he looks torwards the window

"what do you mean?"I question

"nori likes ritsu now and I was delusional to begin with I dont deserve nori's love all those emotions I felt were friendship, I cant truly feel anything for nori, Im practically dead"his eyes look far away and cold and I wanna comfort him  but honestly I should have done this long ago

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