Shopping trip

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Klaus hasn't seen much of Caroline nor Bonnie since he agreed to let her redecorate their rooms. He wasn't exactly sure what she wanted to do to the room, but he knew with Caroline it was more than new bed covers.

Klaus decided to see her and her new room. As he slowly walked across the hall he paused at the dark wood door and placed his hand carefully on the knob. Klaus gently turned the door knob and frowned when Caroline wasn't inside. Where else would she be he thought to himself.

Klaus then walked inside and smiled at the amazing job Caroline had done in only two days. The walls were painted a light yellow and he was pretty sure her blankets were made of silk.

"Klaus!" He suddenly heard her voice as she shouted at him. Klaus quickly turned his head to reveal Caroline standing in only a towel as she walked out of her bathroom. She looked at him in annoyance as her grip tightened on the towel.

"Hello love." Klaus said calmly as he looked the blond up and down. Caroline shifted nervously wrapping both her arms around the towel. She then turned her gaze to the flora as she stood nervously in front of the original.

"What are doing here?" She paused waiting for a response. Once he didn't answer she began to talk again. "I'm standing here in a towel so you can either say why you're here or you can leave." Caroline said as she soon became irritated by the hybrids presence. He smirked at her making her once again tighten her grip on the towel.

"I'm sorry love." He said calmly. "I was just wondering what you have been up to in the past few days. I can see you have been very busy." He smirked as he gazed upon her newly decorated room. Caroline raised her eyebrows at him waiting for more, but he stopped and smiled at the girl.

"Is that it?" She asked with her arms now folded across her chest. Klaus suddenly walked closer to Caroline as she stared at the floor. He then reached his hand out to touch her wet hair that curled a little when damp. Caroline then looked at him as she breathed heavily.

"I suppose that is all I came in here for." Klaus said softly as he inched closer to Caroline. He waited a moment to see if she would back away and smirked when she didn't. Caroline continued to breath heavily at a slow pace as Klaus looked into her light blue eyes. "Unless you would like me to stay." Klaus said in a soothing and calm voice as he whispered in Caroline's ear. He heard her heart beat faster and her voice was a bit strained when she finally decided to speak again.

"I'm good." She almost whispered in a very low and scratchy voice. Klaus showed Caroline a smile that gave her butterflies. She tried to hide her smile refusing to match his.

"As you wish, love." Klaus spoke in a soft voice and was suddenly gone. Caroline looked around her room and then exhaled a long awaited breath. She then smiled to herself as she picked out a pair of light blue jeans and a light pink sweater that fell over her shoulder. She then laid on her bed and thought.

"Niklaus." Elijah said as his brother walked down the stairs. Klaus sighed as he turned to his brother in annoyance.

"What is it brother?" Klaus asked with a forced smile on his face. Elijah ignored his brothers attitude and continued.

"You have things to do, a reputation to uphold, unless you have forgotten. Nothing has changed since the fact of the girls living here, we still have things that must happen." Elijah said in a charming voice as his brother rolled his eyes.

"Yes, yes I know." He said angrily now. "I will take care of everything all in a matter of time."

"Very well." Elijah paused for a moment. "Rebekah shall return soon." He commented making Klaus look at him angrily.

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