Bite me

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"Try again!" Klaus shouted at Bonnie who was sitting at a table filled with lit candles. Bonnie sighed and began mumbling a few words again. Bonnie suddenly banged the table and Klaus stared at her in anger.

"It's not working!" She said in annoyance as she slammed her grimoire shut. Klaus was about to yell at the witch once more, but was interrupted by his brother and sister.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Rebekah said as she sat down at the table. "What is all this?" She asked her brother as her eyes scanned Bonnie and all of the 'witchy' stuff. Klaus looked at her and then turned back to the Bennet witch.

"Try again." He said in a more calm voice then before. As Bonnie reopened her book and began mumbling spells Klaus turned his focus to his sibling.

"Caroline is missing." His voice was soft, but his siblings could tell he was hiding much anger. Rebekah tried to hide a smirk that was tugging at the corners of her lips. Klaus suddenly looked at her in disgust.

"I'm sorry sister, is this funny?" Klaus asked. Rebekah smiled at her brother as she began to speak.

"I mean why put in all of this work to find her. One it's most likely a trap and two what has she ever done for us?" Rebekah asked as she watched Bonnie do more spells that refused to work. "You really want to risk our lives for some girl. She has friends to do this." Rebekah's voice was now louder as she stood up from the table and inched closer to Klaus.

"Leave now!" Klaus shouted at his sister. She stared at him in anger for a moment, but stood still in front of him. "I brought Caroline here and it is my fault that she is in trouble. You can either help me return her to safety or you can leave." Rebekah stared at her brother for a moment and then sat back down.

"You know if we get her back, she's going to go home. You promised her safety and now she's missing. She will go back to Mystic falls." Rebekah said while she continued to watch Bonnie struggle. "And none of your spells are going to work, so stop trying it's annoying!" Rebekah shouted at Bonnie who looked at her in confusion.

Caroline woke up to a dark room. The last thing she could remember was hanging up with Bonnie and walking to a store to buy a new blouse. She tried to sit up, but was suddenly riddled with pain.

"Ouch!" She moaned as she laid her head back down on the hard floor. Caroline suddenly could feel the source of the pain and winced as she placed her hand on the werewolf bite that infected her neck. "Great." She mumbled.

"Hello! Is anyone here?" Caroline called out as loud as she could trying not to put herself in anymore pain. She suddenly saw a tall and broad man standing above her, but couldn't exactly tell who it was as her vision blurred.

"Caroline, I'm so sorry!" Caroline looked up and saw Tyler Lockwood standing above her in distress. She smiled to herself.

"Oh my god Tyler. Thank goodness you're here, help me up." Caroline said as she reached her hand up to his, but the hybrid refused it. Caroline looked at him with a frown. "Tyler, help me." She paused. "Please Tyler, I'm dying." She whispered as tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"Caroline I'm sorry, I can't." He said in anger. Caroline looked at her former boyfriend as she tried to force herself not to cry. She dropped her hand and whimpered as another burst of pain hit her. Tyler quickly sat next to her and held her head in his arms.

"No, get away from!" She whined.

"Why?" He asked.

"You did this to me didn't you?" Caroline asked. Tyler slowly nodded and Caroline turned her face away in disgust. "Please help me. Give me my phone or Klaus or something, but I will die." She said calmly. Tyler looked at her and Caroline could tell he didn't want to do this.

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