Nothing Will Be The Same

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Josie Pov

Hope bled out in Rafs arms. Right infront of everyone, she died. I saw the life leave her eyes as she shut them. I saw the pain she was in, its like I could feel her pain and my stomach ached because of it.

One minute we were talking and the next minute she was being thrown through a window by a creepy man with a vengeance plan.

I just wish she would have let us help her, why did we listen to her? Every one was shedding tears as my dad rushed through the wolf sized hole which was made in the wall by Hope.

I was so in shock I didnt realize I was crying until Penelope pulled me into a tight embrace.

"Shes going to be fine Jo" Penelope whispered sending shiveres down my spine.

I just broke down into her arms as dad yelled demands. I could hear them vaguely "Get her to her room now, she'll be up in a few days or so."

I could hear dads voice crack but I didnt look up I just continued to cry my eyes out into Penelopes shoulder.

After a minute or so she lifted my head off her shoulder and cupped my face with her hands softly rubbing the tears away. "We should've did something" I whispered barley getting the words out. "I know" Penelope replied leaning in to give me a chaste kiss which only reminded me of how me and Hope were talking about our kiss.

I felt a rush of guilt course through me. How could I kiss Hope?! I felt sick to my stomach knowing I kissed Hope, I couldn't remember it but Hope wouldnt lie. I wish I atleast remembered it. I wonder if her lips were soft. I suddenly started imagining kissing Hope but Penelope snapped me out of my thoughts when she wrapped her arm around me. The wave of guilt came back.
Rafs pov

As Hope fell on the ground I ran toward her and held her in my arms. She was dying and all I could do was watch as the life exited her eyes.

I was so mean to her today, I regretted everything. I love Hope. And Landon should support me. I've supported him through everything. I know she's his ex but she has told him she doesn't love him, he just keeps pining over her as if he isn't going to leave her again. But I won't leave her. I know I won't. I'll fight for her because that is what love is.

Later that day I sat next to Hope waiting for her to wake up, Lizzie ended up cleaning the blood off Hope. I couldnt leave her side and neither could Josie. Landon and Lizzie barley ever left. Penelope, Maya and Ethan left but always came back not even an hour later. We were all worried.

I need her to wake up, so I can apologize. So I can tell her I love her and that the kiss meant more to me then she knows.

Im pining over my brothers ex girlfriend, I scoffed to my self and every one turned their heads towards me causing me to lower mine in embarrassment.

"I brought you all food" Kaleb smiled sheepishly followed by Mg, Jed and Alyssa.

"Thank you" Lizzie, Penelope and Maya said in unison.

I looked up to see the food being handed out. I wasnt that hungry. If I ate anything im afraid I'd throw it up.

I couldnt keep my eyes off Hopes lifeless body. I wish I did something. I'm suppose to be there for her yet I listened to her decisions.

I know she's the almighty tribrid but even the unbreakable get broken sometimes.

Everyone needs a pack and she has us, she just doesn't treat us like a pack, she treats us as her followers. I understand that since she has lost so much but we can protect ourselves too.

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