It's now August eighth, and it's my birthday. I am now nineteen. The training is going great, my mom is great, and Jade is distant. She trains at night while we sleep. Eating, celebrating, and even just little conversations if I'm in the area she'd leave. It stayed like this until he appeared.
I never knew what heartbreak felt like; a mix of constant want of someone to come back, the need of wanting their present. I knew I was in love with Jade. My entire day was full of me thinking and craving her. I wrote letters, thought of different poems, love songs, and romantic gestures to swoon her over.
Looking at her sleeping tent from afar, I just wish it was different. What if we met differently? “You should talk to her, Jax. She has feelings for you.” My mom said, side hugging me. “Mom. Jade is the first woman I have ever felt this way with. I know I blew my chance.” A low chuckle jolted my mom and me apart. “It’s funny how someone so naive can tell if they ruin a relationship you never had." Just as I went to ask who he was, her soft sleepy voice broke free.
" Sitka."
Authors message
I apologize for the short chapters. Due to reasonings, the point of view will change for the next few chapters. If needed, you may look at these chapters as bonus chapters. Thank you for reading and for your love and support.
Ghost Rider's Prophecy
FanficA battle between two families and the Gods leaves a young man lost of hope. Will this mystery woman be the key to his father's undoing or will he keep his father alive and carry his legacy?