Chapter 36 : Regrouping

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Tae Pov

Lissy jump down and throw his head away

"Here's your toy Jung Joon-young" she kick his head towards him and it all went to dust

We hurry run towards the building and wait for the lift to come down

I look at her and saw there's a drop of tear in her eyes but she just blinks and stopping it from falling down, I know she's experiencing a difficult emotion right now because she finally can take revenge on the people that kills her parents and yet her parents still remain gone forever

"One down two to go" she murmur

"Two?" I look at her

"The people that kills me and my parents " She speak and she look up at the ceiling

"Y'all ok?"I turn and check on my men, there's 15 people left

"Yes sir" they nod but they sound weak..theres still a tough battle in front of us I hope they can make it through

"Lissy.. You ok? " I look at her, she really impressed me tonight

"I'm good, let's go? " she nods

We don't wanna waste no time, we enter the lift and go up to the floor to where they at

But when we enter the lift I heard there's sounds of screaming coming from 3rd floor ,I quickly press the 3 button

"3? Lisa they're at 13th!! U have problems with the numeric? " Lissy frown and look at me

"Nope but there's something happening on 3rd floor and your brother and our peoples is on that floor " I look at her then turn to my men " Brace yourself and prepare for a hard battle ahead! "

"YES SIR!! "

"Oppa is on that floor?.... God damn it!! Why won't this elevator go faster !!" Lissy scowl

The lift reach and ding the door open, we saw there's subsiders and vampires everywhere and then we saw Rm hyung and his people fighting against them

"Where's my brother? " Lissy try to see where's Suga at

"Must be with Jennie.. I hope" I turn to order my men "ATTACK AND GIVE NO MERCY AT ALL! "

They all flew into the battle

"Lissy your brother is in the right room go help him!! " Rm hyung yell at us while he fight against a subsider " Tae go help Irene their in the left!! "

Lissy hurriedly run towards the room at her right side and she kick a subsider out of the way when she's running while I turn to the left side

When I enter I saw Rm hyung men is trying to stop those subsiders getting near Irene noona and Krystal noona

I quickly run towards them and pull one up and crash it on the floor and punch on its neck and break it then I grab an axe on the wall and spin it towards few subsiders that just break through Rm hyung men and about to attack Krystal noona

"Krystal!!!! " Irene noona saw them running towards Krystal noona at her right and she pull Krystal noona towards her before she launch a fireball spell at another subsider on her left and my axe just chop off those creatures head right on time before they even get their hands on them

I run to their side when she finally gets the last creature burning down to ashes

"Noonas!!! Hyung is worried about you!! " I stand next to Irene noona

"Thank God your here right on time Tae, where's Rm? " Irene noona turns to me and they both look exhausted

"I think he's still out there battling with those creatures " I walk towards the window and look down, it seems like J-Hope hyung and that Taemin dude almost wiping out our enemy

"Thank you Tae, thank God you arrived just on time" Krystal noona nod at me

"No problem noona" I nod

"Then I better go help him" Irene noona walks out the room follow by Krystal noona and the people we left in here

I take a last look outside making sure they don't need our help down there and turn to walk out too

Lissy Pov

Damn I never thought those ugly creatures will went attacking at 3rd floor and when Tae said my brother is in there I got worried about him, hope he didn't get himself hurt in there

Finally the lift stop at 3rd floor and when the door open I quickly step out of the elevator, it's chaos in there but I don't see any signs of my brother

"Lissy your brother is in the right room go help him!! " Rm oppa yelling out loud towards us

I quickly run towards the room at my right then there's this ugly creature moving towards me

"Aissi!!! " you wanna die eyh?Imma make it quick

I run towards it and kick it hard at its stomach making it bend and twist its neck then I run into the room and saw oppa and Jennie is fighting with bunch of subsiders

"Lissy??? Why on earth you doing in here? And why the hell you doing down there? And you think I didn't see you fighting down there? Do you even know I shoot those subsiders that's trying to attack you? Aren't you aware it's super dangerous here? Aren't you with Lisa up there? " oppa saw me running in here and he start yelling at me

"No time for explanation oppa" I grab a sword that's hanging on the wall and start slicing through the creatures

"But.. Your not supposed to be here!! Lissy it's dangerous!!! " oppa shooting the creatures in fury

"How bout less talking and more action here? " Jennie shove her dagger into the subsider skull and kick it fly over to other side

"......" Oppa frown and and give her an annoyed face

"How the hell they get into our building anyway?" Jennie scowl

"You tell me!! And I thought someone say it's much more safer being here than in my house" oppa saying it sarcastically and Jennie just roll her eyes and twitch her lips

I slash the last creature and walks towards them

"Those creatures outside the building is just attraction, they makes us go out and fight while they enter the building " I look at them and I turn to my brother "Oppa I know you have a long list of lecture going inside your head that about to burst out at me but there's no time, we got to get moving I think Lisa and the others are in danger"

"We better get going then" Jennie walks towards the hall and we all follow

We walk out and saw J-Hope oppa and that puppy guy come out of the elevator

Tae and unnies they came out from the other room, J-Hope oppa and Rm oppa hurriedly join them

I look towards Tae he's holding an axe and he look at me and nod, I think he's trying to ask if I'm ok so I nod back

"I assume everyone still breathing and still can move? Let's go help the other then!! " Jennie move towards the elevators and we separate into few groups and enter the 4 elevators

Author : Hi I hope everyone well and hope everything is going well for you and your family, hope y'all enjoy the story so far and please do vote and leave any comment about the story if you like thank you

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