Chapter 10 : Falling For Her

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Taehyung Pov

I kinda worried about Lisa safety last night so i decided to go to school earlier today,surprisingly the rest of them decided to go too.

While we were in the car, we discuss about the attacks that happen last night at the south side

"So it's confirmed it was the subsider that attacking the humans and our men" Jennie looking at the files

"How many men we lost last night? " Jungkook look at me

"they've killed almost half of our men there before me and my men reached" i replied in furious tone

"How many are they? " Jungkook says in cold tone

"It was about 30,it was a sudden attack. Luckily I've already warned everyone to take caution or else we might lose more men"

"Where do they come from? Who made these subsiders? "Jennie look up

"No matter who they are, they definitely up to something and it has something to do with our town" i look out the car to the street

When we reach i walk into the school follow by the rest of them and Nancy from her car

I saw Lisa with her friend from far,i smile cos I'm glad that she is fine.

Ignoring the bickering that happening right now, all i see is her beautiful face with that cute awkward smile

"Erm.. Good morning Jennie unnie, Taehyung oppa, Jungkook, Bambam, Yugyeom.." she greets us

"Good morning Lisa" i smile at her

Surprisingly Jennie seems to like her too, she even willing to touch a human.

When we were at class, i really can't control my emotions towards those harsh words against Lisa

I decided to bring her into our group and under my wing, i couldn't see her face become sad.

As i expected, Jennie and Jungkook both agreed with it and back up my idea

When our class is over we all decided to eat at a restaurant nearby

"Lisa do you wanna ride with us? " i ask her

"Erm.. Sure but Rose is with me, is it enough seats for everyone ? " she ask

"We came by our car not the suv Tae" Jennie reply me in sarcasm

"Kookie oppa and Taehyung oppa can ride with me" Nancy come and grab Jungkook arm but he pulls away

"Lisa and Rose can ride with me since Bambam and Yugyeom drive while Tae and Jungkook can ride with Kai and Sehun" Jennie arrange our ride

"Good idea let's go Kook" i hurry pull Jungkook to Kai car

"OPPA~~~~Wait for me oppa~~~" Nancy stamp with anger


When we reach the restaurant i pull the seat for Lisa and she smile and nod to me, i chose to sit next to her.

I think i like this girl, i know it's not a good idea to fall for a human but i can't help it

"Just order whatever you like Lisa, it's my treat as a celebration of you and Rose joining our group " i pass her the menu

"Thanks Tae oppa" she took the menu and check them out with Rose

Jungkook Pov

I wanted to sit next to Lisa but Tae hyung already took that seat so i walk to the opposite and sit in front of her.

I'm glad she is fine, i was worried about her last night and i even went wandering near her house last night

Jennie noona and Nancy both sat besides me, i hope Nancy don't annoyed me during lunch

When the waiter came to take our order i was surprised, me and Lisa both ordered the same food,same drink and even same dessert.

"Omo omo.. Both of your minds think alike? Or you two have a deal earlier? " Bambam look at us surprisingly

Everyone look at him and us surprisingly too, Yugyeom knock his head causing him yelling in pain

"What a coincidence here" Lisa smile awkwardly

"Yeah we both have good taste i guess " i said and we both chuckle

Nancy look at us full with jealousy and i wonder why Tae hyung become silent too

"Well my kookie oppa always have great taste" Nancy tried to hold my arm but i avoid her

"I'm not your oppa" i frown at Nancy and i turn to look at Lisa, i hope she don't gets her wrong

She noticed i was staring at her and she look up and give me a smile, i love seeing her smile it always makes me calm by looking at her smile

I think I've fallen for her, but how? I thought i would never fall in love again

Nancy kept on annoyed me during we eat, she even tried to be rude to Lisa but Jennie noona snapped at her making her silent for a while

When we finished our food, we all thanked Tae hyung for the treats and we all walks out the restaurant

"Lisa Rose do y'all wanna exchange number with us ?" Jennie noona ask

"Yeah sure i almost forget about this" Lisa saying and took out her phone we all exchange our number except for Nancy

Jennie noona and Tae hyung need to go back to our base due to Jin hyung request so she went to Kai hyung car and she ask me to send Lisa and Rose home

Rose and Bambam start to bicker again while we walks to our car, me and Lisa walks behind them

We both in silence while walking so i decided to break the silence


"Yeah? "

"Do you enjoy the food just now? "

"Yeah, it was nice"

"We even ordered the same food" i giggle

"Yeah you like chocolate milk too? " she ask

"Yeah, it was tasty "

"Haha.. Like a baby " she tease

"Well your a baby too" i look at her

"Yeah i know, my brother always call me kitty. Guess kitty like milk..meow.. " she said in cute voice

"Well you can be my kitty" i slip out what's on my mind

She stop walking and look at me surprisingly then turns away, this is awkward.

"Yah Lisa yah.. Why you so slow? " Rose yelling from ahead of us

"Urm.. Coming" she walks faster towards them

While she walks infront of me i can hear her heart beating fast, was it because of my word or because she walks too fast?

Haiz.. Jeon Jungkook why your so lame on this? You can be my kitty? What kind of pick up line is that? She might think that I'm a weirdo now.

Author : Hi I just made this chapter and hope y'all like it

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