Chapter 17 : Intruders

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Lisa Pov

Rose dad came pick her up after classes and we bid goodbye, I'm thinking of if I should call the driver to come over or I'll just walk to the bus stop.

Well maybe I'll just walk to the bus stop I don't wanna bother the driver right now just in case he needs to drive brother to any meeting.

Plus there's something bothering me and I need to clear my head up, first thing is if I upset my brother and the second thing is did I upset Jungkook? He's avoiding me in the class and I wonder why🙁

I look at my watch..

Hmm.. There's still some time untill the next bus comes, I'll just have to wait for awhile

"Well well well what do we have here" I look up and there's two guys walking towards me

"Hi pretty girl are you waiting for me? Oh my you do smell good babe " the taller guy try to touch my hair but I flip my hair away

"Excuse me" I try to walk pass them but I can't they both kinda block my way.

"What's in the hurry babygirl? You want us to send you home? Our cars is just infront there babygirl" The skinny guy try to put his arms around me but I just stand back from him

"Aww.. She's a scardy cat.. Here kitty kitty come to papa." he's trying to come closer towards me.

"Hey Joon Young!! Let's go there's someone's coming! " suddenly the taller guy grab his shoulder

"Damn your lucky babygirl but you won't be this lucky next time, I'll see you around baby. " The guy name Joon Young points his finger at me and wink then they both walks away to their car.

I was scared but feel relieved that they finally leaves and I turn around and look at both sides but I didn't see anyone else why they said someone is coming, suddenly a black car drove fast and stops infront of me and shocked me!

Tae Pov

I was about to walks into the living room but then I stopped when Jungkook and his men mentioning about going to the mall with Lisa and Rose yesterday, does this mean they start dating now?

Instead of going inside I turn around and head to the base to continue doing what's Jin hyung ask me to do so I could take my mind out of this

I've been in the base discussing with my men about the attacks from those creatures that we called them as the 'subsiders' till the next day, I didn't even wanna go to college today.

"Oh my goodness, I think I might need a cup of coffee!" Sehun stretching himself

"Coffee? Blood is more like it " Kai smirk

"Yah couldn't you let me feel like a human once? I never been working like this for hours non stop ever since we first moved here man! A cup of coffee is what human would say after they worked for hours though " Sehun complains

"Yeah yeah whatever, I'd still say I need a glass of blood and some liquor" Kai replied him while focusing on his laptop

"You two can go back if you want" this two is giving me headache

"Really? " Sehun look towards my side

"Tae,maybe you need some rest too." Kai look at me

"Yeah we could go back and get some rest before we start diving into the computer again" Sehun go along with what Kai just say

I glare at them for a second, maybe their right maybe I really should go back and take a shower


"Cool I'll drive" Sehun quickly turn his laptop off and took off real quick

Kai shake his head " Your coming with us right? " he ask

Should I?

Or maybe I could go have a look at Lisa see if she's alright?

But why Tae? She's maybe dating Kook now

Well I just wanna make sure she's ok


"You ok? "

"Tae? "

"Huh? What? " I look at Kai

"Are you ok? I ask if you wanna come along? " Kai frown

"Yeah I'm ok. Is my car still at the base? " I ask

"Yeah there's two here, the blue SUV and the black Porsche"

"I'll take the black one" I open up the drawer and take the key out and head towards the parking lot

"Urm.. Ok, guess I'll go with Sehun" Kai shrug

I hop into my car and storm off

What are you thinking Taeyung?

Are you outta your mind?

What if she's with Kook?

What if they both together right now?

I'm not going to do anything

I just wanna make sure she's fine

I kept telling myself this, suddenly!

"Excuse me" that's Lisa voice,she must be somewhere near me because I could hear it when my mind is focus on her

"What's in the hurry babygirl? You want us to send you home? Our cars is just infront there babygirl" who's that? I saw there's two guys with Lisa from a far

"Aww.. She's a scardy cat.. Here kitty kitty come to papa." What the hell? I
step on the accelerator hard and the car zoom off fast

"Hey Joon Young!! Let's go there's someone's coming! " Wait he knew?

"Your lucky babygirl but you won't be this lucky next time, I'll see you around baby. "oh really? I need to ask Kai and Sehun to look this two up

I stop infront of her, seems like she's in shock.

I step out the car

"Lisa!? " I've been wanting to call her name again

"V oppa, it's you " she looks relieved now

"Hi Lisa what's wrong? " I need to pretend I have no idea what's going on " Are you waiting for someone? "

"Urm.. Yeah I was actually waiting for the bus but... "she stop "Urm.. Nothing is wrong V oppa, are you going somewhere? "

She don't wanna tell,its ok I'll find out what's going on anyway.

"Was thinking of going to the store to get some snacks, but before that how bout I send you home first since I'm here? " I ask

" It's ok V oppa the bus is coming soon" she smile

" Well it would be faster if I drive you home though " I smile and signal her to get into the car

" Well thank you V oppa" she walk to the passenger side and I walk infront of her to open the door for her

" Thank you oppa" she smile, I love seeing her smile it made me smile too

I head back to the driver seat and head to the direction she told me, as for that two I'll get a hold on them when I get back home.

Author : Hi my lovely readers, hope y'all like the story so far 🌼 And I'll try my best to update as soon as possible 🙏

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