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Younghoon's POV

I went to the army after high school because I wanted to get it over and done with before finishing my education.

Today is the day that I'm going to surprise Youngjin at her school. She have no idea that I'm done with my army, oh and my hair grew out again.

" He's so handsome! "

" Oh my god, what is he doing here? "

" Is he a new student here? "

" Do you think he's single? "

I made Soyeon ask Youngjin exactly where is she so that it wouldn't be that obvious. " Excuse me, where's the library? " I asked a random student.

" I-I-It's there. " She pointed towards the left and I thanked her before walking towards the direction that she directed me to.

I spotted Youngjin and her friends sitting by the table. I also know that she didn't tell her friends about me because she said I'm too handsome.

I was about to walk over when her friend spoke, " Hey, I have guys to introduce you. They want to get to know you too, are you interested? "

She raised her hand to show them the ring that I gave her a few years back.

" Are you engaged? " They gasped.

She shook her head, " Are you crazy? I'm 24, I don't think any of us is ready yet. " She said as she laid back on the chair.

" What if he propose today? " They teased her.

She shrugged, " I don't know. I mean, I would say yes but I doubt he would propose anytime soon. " Youngjin said as she stretched her arms in the air.

I smiled as I walked over and gently high five her. She looked behind and her eyes widened, " What are you doing here? " I saw her friends eyeing me.

" It's a surprise! I'm done with my army. " She stood up and pulled me into a hug.

I looked over at her friends, " Hi, I'm Younghoon, Youngjin's boyfriend. Do you mind if I borrow her for the day? " They shook their heads with a smile.

I thanked them and I dragged her out of the library.

" Why did you come here? and how did you know where I'm at? " She asked as we were walking out of her school.

I smiled, " I made Soyeon asked you. " She nod.

" Oh my god. I was just wondering since when does she care so much about my life. " She said as she stared into space, looking surprised.

I chuckled as I pinched her cheek, " I think you lost weight. Why didn't you take care of yourself when I'm not with you? " She smiled.

" I don't think I lost weight though. " She said.

" I think you did. Now that I'm out, I'm going to make sure that you're well fed. " I ruffled her hair and she grinned.

We took the cab to the nearby mall and we ate our lunch together. " How have studying been for you? " I asked and she groaned.

" Don't even get me started. I literally have no momentum to even finish one chapter. Without my friends, I'm probably a drop out by now. " She took another bite of her food.

I chuckled, " Hey, this is not a laughing matter. Your girlfriend here is at the verge of signing the drop out form. "

" Don't worry about it. I believe you can survive through it. " I took a napkin and stretched my arm over to clean the sauce on the side of her mouth.

" Are you a kid? " I chuckled.

She glared at me, " Are you going to break up with me because I'm messy? " I shook my head.

" No, I like that you're messy so I can take care of you. " She blushed.

She smacked my arm, " Stop! "

" Are you rushing for time? " She shook her head.

I smiled, " I want to bring you somewhere. " After we're done eating, the night has turned dark. I brought her to take the ferris wheel, since it's dark already the lights are all on.

We got into one of the cabin and it's just the two of us alone. " Why did you bring me here? " Youngjin asked as she sat before me.

" Do you know what day is it today? " She thought for a bit before shaking her head.

" It has been 7 years since I've like you. "

Youngjin's POV

" 7 years? but we've only dated for 5 years plus. " I said and he nod with a sneaky smile.

" But it doesn't mean that I didn't like you before that. I just didn't tell you how I feel. " I pursed my lips as my heart raced even faster.

I looked over at him, " Why did you like me? "

" Oh god, it's the question that kills every guy. " He chuckled before resting both of his arms on his laps as he thought about it.

He looked over at me, " I honestly don't know. Loving someone don't need an explanation or to be more exact, it's unexplainable. I just love you for who you are, as Lee Youngjin but not because of certain attributes that made me love you. "

Younghoon held my hands, " I know how hard life is when I'm in the army and you have to deal with everything yourself. I know I can't pay you back all the time that are gone but I will always be here for you. "

I pulled him into a hug, " Even if you're not physically with me, I know that you're there for me. I also know that there's many struggles that you went through but you didn't tell me, right? " I pulled away to look at him.

" My greatest struggle is not being able to see you and spend time with you. " He said and I did the duck face expression.

Younghoon looked away, " Don't do that. I can't help myself. " I furrowed my brows.

What does he mean by tha-

My face instantly became red and I became really flustered. I looked over at him as I moved to the other side of the cabin. " D-Don't come n-near. " I said.

He smirked as he walked over but I mean, when will life ever allow him to be cool right?

The entire cabin shook and he end up falling onto the ground while holding onto the chair. I burst into laughter, I laughed so hard that abs are forming real quick.

He scoffed as he sat beside me, trapping me between his arms as he inched his face closer to mine.

" You got that blackhead right there. " I tapped his nose slightly and he glared at me.

" Hey! Let me be cool for once! " He sneered.

I chuckled, " Alright. Oh my god, you're so handso- " He cut me off.

With a kiss.

2 Feb 2021

Yo, the next chapter will be the last chapter! Honestly thank y'all for hanging in there with me, because I know this story can be really naggy so I'm really sorry about that but love you guys :)

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