Ummm Bakubro-

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Katsuki POV

I was about to yell at shittyhair for calling me that stupid name when I was stopped by weight in my hand that instantly calmed to the point it shocked me, causing me to tense slightly.

I was shocked when I felt Deku hold my hand. I had butterflies in my stomach. We hadn't done this since we were kids.

I quickly regained myself remembering he did this without asking and I don't like being touched.

I turn my head to face him giving him one of my famous glares, only to be given a thoughtful smile in return.

It was then that I realised what he was doing. He wasn't trying to annoy me or pull me away to protect shittyhair, he was calming me down, making me feel better while keeping me in check.

I blushed at this in turned my head away quickly so he wouldn't see it.  I didn't let go however, even though I liked it but wanted to keep my reputation, I also knew it was working. I was calm already, and I liked it when deku smiled like that. So I'm doing this to make him happy to.

"Uhhh... Bakubro. Why are you holding hands with Midoryia?? I thought you hated him." Kirishima spoke hesitantly, as to not provoke me any further.

"The fuck do YOU care Shittyhair!?" I shouted at him. It's not any of his business and I dont feel like explaining and him only to be teased about it later.

I walked passed them, surprised I didn't have to pull Deku along as he kept up my pace walking beside me without hesitation. "Good morning kiri." I hear Deku say with a small smile to shittyhair as I pushed past.

"At least we'll be early to class Kacchan." Deku said from beside me as we made our way into to classroom which was empty.

"Yeah ok. Whatever" I said in return, barely making eye contact with him. I could see however out of the cover of my eye him smiling to himself. I knew he understood me better than anyone else, but that doesn't take away the guilt eating away at me for all the torment I caused him. I especially regret telling him to take a swan dive off the roof. WHO DOES THAT!? I'm a horrible person and I'll never forgive myself for hurting the one person I care so deeply about. The boy I treasure.

The boy I love.

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