Movies and cuddles

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Izuku POV

As we walked into the lounge, I told Kacchan to pick a movie while I made popcorn.

~mini time skip~

I walked back over to the lounge with a big bowl of popcorn, sitting comfortably next to Kacchan.

"What movie did ya pick?" I asked as I moved the bowl to the small table just to the side and put my feet up on the long couch as Kacchan had done.

"Some comedy / horror movie that seems cool." He responded. I paled slightly, I HATE horror movies! They're so scary!!

Kacchan must have noticed my change in mood as he quickly sort to reassure me that I didn't have to watch it and that he would be there.

I blushed at this. That was really kind of Kacchan and REALLY rare. This made me even more guilty, he was the one who had had an exhausting day AND a horrible headache. It was only fair that he gets to chose the movie!

"I'll be fine! I've got you to protect me Kacchan!" I said with a giggle

"If you're sure nerd." He replied as he started the movie

~10 mins later~

This movie was TERRIFYING!! I continuously jolted at the jump scares and kept trying to at least control my fear.

I had my eyes shut tight as i rolled into myself when I suddenly felt myself being pulled into someone.

I stiffed and looked up only to be met with Kacchan staring down at me with concern in his eyes. I immediately relaxed and leaned into him as he hugged me closer.

It felt so right, being in Kacchans embrace, that I completely forgot about the movie and hummed in content as I snuggled closer and murmured a 'thank you' into his ear before returning my head to his chest. Listening to his slightly quickened heartbeat as I slowly drifted to sleep. Feeling Kacchan arm snake around my waist almost protectively, placing his head on top of mine saying, "night Izu." before darkness engulfed me.


I awoke to Kacchan grumbling about something in an angry whisper. I was too tired to even open my eyes, let alone try focus on what he was saying. All I knew was that it felt was to soon to get up and that I wanted more cuddles with his attention on me.

"Mmm Kacchaaaannn. Its too early to get up, can you put on your angry face later? I wan cuuddlllless." I whisper yelled while sluring my words slightly, still half asleep.

"Awww!" "So cute!" "How is midorya not dead?" "Looks like you lost this fight Bakubro! Izuku just answered for you!"

This was what I heard as I came to my senses and slowly processed that those were the voices of my classmates, the position Kacchan and I were in right now, and that the reason for Kacchans whisper yelling was getting them to leave him alone.

While trying not to wake me up, how sweet.
I thought as I shook myself back into reality, knowing I was going to have to deal with this one way or another.

I decided I didn't particularly want to answer to my classmates right now and thought it best for me and Kacchan to get out of this situation as quickly as possible.

"Huh? What's happening?" I asked as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I took in my surroundings.

"Nothing Izu, go back to sleep. They were just leaving." Kacchan said to me with gritted teeth. I could practically FEEL the glare he was sending the class as he spoke.

"Mmm stop glaring. It wont help anything."
I said with a giggle as a sat up, slowly turning to face my classmates who were all either looking concerned, confused or simply smirking (mostly Mina).

"Tch. Whatever." Kacchan said as he took my getting off him as and opportunity to get to towards the kitchen

" *yawn*, what's up guys?" I asked, still slightly asleep as well as annoyed that they interrupted and made Kacchan angry again after all his effort earlier.

"Umm Izuku. You do realise that you were sleeping with BAKUGOU right?" Uraka said sceptically

"Hm? Yeah, why? Also did you guys HAVE to make Kacchan angry?? AGAIN? No wonder he always has headaches, you guys sure know how to pester a guy, heh."

Uraka seemed taken aback. Looks she wasn't expecting that answer. Guess I'm still half asleep, I slipped up and kinda let some of my attitude (acquired from Kacchan) out.

"Sorry! I'm just tired and grumpy that yoo guys made Kacchan angry again. I'm going to go check on him, why don't you guys go unpack your dorms or something?" It was a complete guess that it was after school a couple hours till diner, assuming they hadn't unpacked yet due to their still being in uniform.

I was proved correct as they quickly agreed saying how they hadn't yet and had almost forgot, rushing upstairs and grabbing their keys on the way.

"*sigh*. Finally" I breathed, walking over to the kitchen. I found Kacchan over the stove making dinner, I was relieved to find him so surprisingly calm.

"Hey Kacchan, you ok?" I asked as I walked up behind him. standing on my tip toes to peer over his shoulder, curious as to what he was making.

"Mmm. Smells good!" I said with a giggle

"It better. It's your favourite."

"Awww you remember my favourite food is Katsudon!" I exclaimed as Kacchan turned off the stove and moved to face me.

"Tch. You think I'd forget?" He said as he pretended to be angry.

Kacchan brought two plates of the dinner to the table as I followed behind.

"Well, what are you waiting for? sit down and eat already." The usual irritation missing from his voice. I smiled at that as I sat down across from him.

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