Taming the beast

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Katsuki's POV

At first I didn't really process what was happening. But, almost automatically, I hugged him back.  Resting my chin on his head and moving my arms almost sneakily around his waist as I pulled him in closer, if that was possible. I took in his sweet sent that I missed and I closed my eyes, a small smile creeping on my lips.

Izuku's POV

I was hugging Kacchan!! My body basically moved on its own. I thought he would shove me off and get angry for sure, but... he hugged backed. It felt SO good. Just like when we were kids. Just as I thought this couldn't get any better and I no happier, I felt him snake his arms down to my waist and somehow pull me even closer so that my face was in the crook of his neck. I felt a shiver go down my spine as I blushed profusely.

But sadly, my happiness didn't last long as I heard a collective of  "awwww!!"'s from behind us.

I turned around quickly to be faced by the ENTIRE OF 1A!! I was so embarrassed, not by Kacchan but by the attention.

I turned to Kacchan to see a slight blush on his face and he looked, disappointed? I guess he enjoyed it as much as I did. I smiled slightly at that, which didn't go unnoticed by Kacchan himself as he looked at me and smirked. He knows I dont really like attention and was loving seeing me all flustered and embarrassed.

I gave him a pleasing look. He understood immediately and turned to our unannounced guests and, as expected, lost it.


They went silent. Some, Denki, looked like he was ready to shit themselves. While others we snickering slightly.

Sit down and MIND your FUCKING BUSINESS!!!"

Kacchan was basically screaming at this point. I was grateful and touched that he was protecting like that. Though others may not see it that way, I know he was getting riled up because they interrupted and made me uncomfortable.

Kirishima spoke up as usual "yo! Bakubro chill! We didn't mean any harm." He said with his hands up in surrender jokingly. That made it worse, Kacchan looked as though he was going to explode and murder Kiri if it was the last thing he does.

Just as I thought he was going to combust, readying myself to handle him, Iida just HAD to add to it.
"Bakugou, that's not very nice. You need to learn to respect your other classmates." 
That was it, I could see Kacchan's eyes darken over, red with rage. His hands sparked decent sized explosions for sparks especially as it didn't look intentional. I looked over at the rest of the class, they must of noticed too cause the all paled dramatically. Denki even ran out of the room yelling "every man for themselves!" They took some steps back, preparing to run and defend themselves from the monster they had triggered. Iida even looked regretful.

It was then that I realised I should make my entry now and stop this before Kacchan ACTUALLY kills someone, which when in this state of mind, he would. (Probs Iida).

I stepped forward in front of Kacchan between him and the class. My hands we up slightly in a calming way, asking him to stop. He barely glanced at me before glaring back at 1A and taking a step forward.

I raised his step with my own making us closer so I was barely a foot away from him. Looking up at those glossed over ruby eyes that were focused at their prey.

By now I had basically forgotten about the class except for the few gasps that followed my interception into the line of danger.

But now it was just Kacchan and me. The rest faded away and my only priority was calming him down.

I slowly raised my right hand to his cup his jaw, brushy my thumb soothingly up and down his cheek as I lowered his head to face me.

As I did his glare hadn't left the class until he finally realised he could no longer face them and stared into my eyes.

His glare faltered as he blinked and slowly took in our position and reason for, all while never breaking eye contact with me. His eyes, along with the rest of his face, calmed significantly as he finally tuned out the class and focused solely on me.

I brought my other hand to his that mirrored it and held is gently to stop his explosive outbursts, not a care in the world if I got burnt. His hand stiffened as the sparks stoped and I held it in my own, fear crossing his face about hurting me. I simply replied with a faint smile as I gave his hand a squeeze to show I was fine.

"It's ok Kacchan, I agree that it was their fault for aggravating you but murder seems a little extreme in this case. Don't ya think?" I said with a slight laugh at the end. He gave me a thankful look, followed by a small smile. Appreciating that I was lightening the mood.

"Come on, let's go to the infirmary and get you a headache pill. Then we can go get some food. School can wait today." I said empathetically with a smile on my face. I knew Kacchan got headaches easily form suppressing his anger all the time, which may not seem believable but he really does hold back as much as he can. Until that is, someone does something idiotic and pushes him when he's already pissed.

He only gives me a small nod in answer but that's good enough for me. I remove my hand from his face slowly as I turn and lead him out of the classroom, still holding his other hand in mine. I heard the stunned silence turn into hushed whispers as I closed the door after our departure.

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