8. Unofficially official

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Angad surprised me. 

I was dreading seeing him again at the next introductory society meet because I knew it would be really awkward given our last conversation. To my relief, he didn't show up. It turned out to be a really fun two hours. Red Wagon made all of us really comfortable and we got to know each other a little better. I was becoming better friends with the rest of the gang and we ended up going to a nearby cafe with them again. 

"Where is Angad today?" Yug asked as we sipped coffee together. 

"You are supposed to keep track of his whereabouts being the best friend and all," Siddharth replied.

Yug rolled his eyes and turned to me,

"Angad is great Meera, You haven't gotten a chance to get to know him but once you do you'll love him." 

I almost choked on my latte. 

"Sure," was all I said.

"Are you going to the unofficial fresher's party then?" Yug asked.

"Maybe. Vahni wants to go but Smriti cannot. I am a little torn."

"Aren't freshers supposed to be really excited for all these parties?" Deepani spoke up.

"They are but I think I got my fill of parties with the last one you guys threw," I said to her. This was maybe the second time she had spoken to me. Shreyas and Deepani were that couple. They usually talked between themselves in giggles and whispers or got involved with the conversation for a few seconds only.

I was compelled to think about my relationship for a moment. Were Parth and I this way? Did we seem inseparable and unbearable? 

Before I could dwell on this further I stashed this thought in the corner of my brain and looked up at the rest of the group. Yug and Siddharth had become really good friends of mine. When Vahni had her fashion society practice and Smriti wasn't around, I hung out with them. Which was mostly the case. 

"The person organizing it is a friend of mine, we might swing by," Yug said. 

"Really?" I asked. 

"Yeah, there isn't much of a college-specific scenario. It's a party at a lounge. Should be fun." he said. I smiled at him.

Yug was a hoot and Siddharth usually balanced the equation. They knew everyone and everyone knew them, Consequently, everyone got to know me, Meera, the fresher they had taken under their wing. I did not absolutely resent this new identity but I didn't love it either.

Did I really want to be recognized only for who I was friends with? Not to mention the dirty glances I got from their fangirls and the whispers that followed. I had half a mind to hold up a sign that said I didn't want anything other than a platonic friendship from their precious Red Wagon members.

Well, at least they knew all the good hang out spots and cafes. I did not have to experiment a lot. And the prospect of having them around at the party made me consider it at least. 


Here I was, another party, another evening. 

Vahni wore me down in the end. Smriti could not obtain permission for this event which was expected. Vahni really wanted to go and her friends from fashion society would be there as well, besides, Yug and Siddharth were coming too, so I decided this was another great opportunity to have fun. 

I was in another pretty dress and Vahni, who looked stunning, stood next to me smiling ear to ear. 

"Okay, let's go over the rules once again." I stopped her before she stepped into the Shilling Lounge. 

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