30. Fallout

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That was the only word I could use to describe how it felt to have Angad Mehra kiss you like he meant it. One of his hands cupped my cheek and the other rested on my waist drawing me closer as he kissed me. I was glad I was sitting down for this because my knees would have buckled otherwise. 

Is this what it was to be kissed by the right person? If it was then I never wanted to stop.

Only we kind of had to because we did need to breathe. 

I was gasping by the time he pulled away. He gazed into my eyes with the same intensity as before and my insides turned to mush all over again. I wanted to scream and dance around, that is how giddy I felt. 

His hand was still on my cheek. He stroked it lightly with his thumb. It was a feather-light touch and yet I felt it deep inside me. 

"Angad," I managed to whisper. I didn't trust my voice after the kiss. 

"Shh..." he said, "I don't want this moment to end. Don't break the spell. Things always go sideways after we kiss." 

That's when my gaze slipped past him and focused on someone behind. 

Vahni's thunderstruck eyes met mine. She was staring at us open-mouthed in disbelief. When our eyes met she gave me a look of utter betrayal and turned on her heel before stumbling back inside. 

My stomach sank and Angad noticed the sudden change of expression. He groaned audibly as I stood up. 

"No, please. What is it now, Meera?" he asked grabbing my hand.

"Angad please wait here. Do not come inside until I come back for you." I instructed as I loosened his grip and went inside chasing after Vahni. 

The last thing she would want is us both hounding her after what she saw. I felt really guilty about it. I had known this would happen sooner or later, and if Angad said yes, I would have liked the chance to ease Vahni into the idea of us together. 

This, here, was a disaster. How could my luck be this bad? Vahni walking in on us right at that moment?

The music pounded and the crowd had not thinned at all. I pushed past throngs of people trying to look for her. I was about to give up hope when I caught a glimpse of her shirt near the entrance. I waded my way through the crowd to get to her. 

I stepped out just in time to see her get in a cab and leave. I raced to grab another cab to follow her. She was pretty drunk. I needed to explain myself but I also needed to make sure she was safe. 

Pretty soon we were at our hotel and I was rushing after Vahni yet again. I managed to catch up with her in the lobby.

"Vahni, listen to me." I pleaded. 

She ignored me and jabbed the button for the lift. 

"I am sorry about what you saw," I began but she stumbled to the door that led to the staircase. She would rather race up to three floors than take the lift with me. 

"Vahni please," I said and she whirled around.

"What Meera?" she demanded loudly, "What are you going to say? After months of you denying your relationship with Angad, I find you..." 

She shook her head and took off her heels before starting her ascent up the stairs.

"There was nothing between us back then. I swear..." I said desperately following her.

"That's even better! So you couldn't bear it when I said I was going to make a move. You couldn't handle the thought of me with him."

Tears welled up in my eyes at the venom in Vahni's voice. She had every right to be angry. How could I ever explain what sequence of events had led up to this mess? 

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