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Y/n pov.
I woke up in a room, not my own might I add. I looked around suspiciously in hopes that I would recall where I was and how exactly I got here. My vision was blurred but as soon as it cleared up I started to recognize where I was. Yoongi was sitting in a chair next to the bed I was in. "Uh— is this your room?" I asked sitting up. "Oh hey you're awake." He said switching off his computer and turning towards me. "And yes this is my room" He said chuckling softly.

"How did I get here?" I asked still confused on what exactly was going on. "Oh you don't remember last night?" He questioned and I shook my head in response. "Well after we got subway, Jimin suggested we go out and get drinks and of course you said yes and pretty much everyone got drunk except for me, Jin, Namjoon and Chan. Once we got home you went to the first room you seen and just collapsed on the bed. That room just happened to be mine." He said. I started to regain some memory of the whole experience but it was all extremely blurry, I feel like there is more to this but I won't push it for now. Hopefully I'll get my memories back in full later.

"Anyways the boys were talking about going on a minor vacation, they said we all deserve it after the whole saving the world thing." Yoongi added. "Well i suppose we can talk about it, get everyone in the living room." I said. I walked out of the room and went into the living room. As soon as I sat down in one of the chairs everyone started flooding in. As everyone started settling down I began. "So vacation?" I questioned. "Ooo yes I was thinking about Paris." Jin said. "I know a little french, oui oui baguette." He added. "That's— Nevermind" Taehyung said before resting his hand on his head.

"What about the Bahamas?" Jimin asked. "Eh that's a lot of sun" Hoseok answered. "Why not we go somewhere where it's not to hot and not to cold?" Yoongi asked. "Sounds like goldy lockes porridge." Jungkook mumbled. "I was thinking Greece." Namjoon said. "Well our options here are either Paris or Greece and personally I like both so let's vote on it." I said. Everyone nodded. "Alright raise your hand for Greece" i said. Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi raised their hands. "Now Paris" and Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok raised their hands. "It's settled then—" I began to state but was interrupted. "Are Chan and the others not gonna vote?" Jungkook asked. We all turned our head to our other friends who were sitting at the table just watching all of this go down.

"Oh no don't worry about us haha" Chan said shaking his hands in front of him. "We'll be heading back home soon so you guys decided for yourself." Minho stated. "Well damn" Jungkook sighed. "Why would you be mad about this? You voted Paris and without their vote you win." Hoseok said. "Oh no it's not that don't worry, I just felt like they could use a break too." Jungkook said and smiled hugely at the end. "Don't worry Jungkook, we'll be fine. We may take a vacation of our own some other time but for now you guys enjoy yourself." Seungmin said.

"Okay okay" Jungkook sighed. "Back to what I was saying" I said laughing. "So Paris, Namjoon and Yoongi can you get us all plane tickets and you know everything we need?" I questioned. "Sure thing" Namjoon said and Yoongi nodded. "How long do we have until then?" Jimin asked. "Well I just looked at flights to Paris and the easiest one for us to take will be in a week so you have a week or a little less to get packed and ready." Namjoon replied. "That should be enough time, and on that note we're dismissed. I'm gonna go to the mall if anyone wants to tag along." I said standing up from the chair and making my way towards to door. I grabbed my bag as I heard a thump, well more like two thumps. "I'll go with you!" Taehyung yelled. "Me too!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"Alright come on guys." I said motioning for them to come outside. They had somehow ended up on the floor, I'm guessed they both jumped up and tripped each other or something of the sort. "Does anyone need anything while we're out?" I asked as I turned back to the boys. "If you don't mind stopping by the food court and bringing me back something that would be awesome." Jimin said. "Okay anything else?" I asked. No one spoke up, it was oddly silent. "We'll see you guys later than." I spoke up. I made my way outside and noticed Jungkook and Taehyung already in a vehicle. It looked to be a black mustang and Taehyung was in the driver seat.

Taehyung began driving fast down the driveway of the house towards the main road. 'I wonder if I can outrun this car' I thought to myself as I looked out the window. We were going extremely fast so the fields and trees all looked like a blur. "Do you want to try?" Jungkook asked. I wasn't sure what he was talking about to I was extremely confused. "Huh?" I questioned. "I can read minds remember" He said chuckling as he tapped his temple region on his head. "Oh yeah I'm sorry I must have forgotten." I replied. "That's fine, but you still haven't answered my question." He stated. "Wait you were for real?" I asked. "Uh duh, do you want to try outrunning the car? I'll do it with you if you want." He replied.

I thought about it for a moment. I did really want to do it and it seemed like a lot of fun. "Don't try to get out of it, just come on! It'll be fun." Jungkook said. 'Oh shit I forgot again, he can read minds' I said to myself. "This whole saving the world thing must have jumbled up your memory." He said. "Yeah I guess so, but you know what Jungkook... I'll do it." I said, he smirked.

A/n: So how's everyone doing? Sorry I forgot about this, I've had a lot going on lol

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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