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I've been getting weaker these days, we all have. We haven't been out hunting in almost three weeks now and I could feel my throat drying out. "How long has it been?" Hoseok asked. We were all sitting on the couch stretched out, no one had any energy to do anything. "Two weeks, 5 days, 14 hours, 57 minutes, 36 seconds. 37 seconds. 38 seconds. 39 seconds" Jungkook said, but was shut up by me, myself and I. I covered his mouth with my hand. "Jungkook shut the fuck up and we need to hunt" I said. I then felt a poke on my hand and a wet spot in the center. "Ew Jungkook!" I yelled wiping my licked hand on the couch. "I agree with Y/n" He said not even caring to notice my distress. "Fine, but let's half the groups so it won't take so long to feed everyone" Yoongi said and we all agreed.

"Okay we are gonna play up down, on the count of three put your hand up or down" I said as we all had our hands in the air above the coffee table. "1....2....3" I said. Me, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Yoongi had our hands up while Hoseok, Jimin, Namjoon and Jin had theirs down. "Oh yeah number one!" Jungkook said high fiving Taehyung. "That doesn't mean- okay let's go!" I exclaimed not wanting to argue with the boy. "Alright well who is going where?" Namjoon asked. Hmm well- "My team will just go west and you guys go east" I said shrugging. "Sounds fair" Hoseok said. "Now let's go" I said as I stood up and everyone followed closely behind.

We all walked toward the door and sent a short goodbye toward the others. Me, Yoongi, Taehyung and Jungkook then ran to some random section in the forest to try to find something to eat.

Namjoon pov.
After we all parted way me, Jin, Hoseok and Jimin started running off east. We wanted to get a place not to close nor to far from the house just so we knew there was food going to be there. I was running behind Hoseok when I noticed he started slowing down. I stopped right behind him as Jin ran into me. "Come on dude" I whisper yelled toward him. "My B" He said. I then looked over to where Hoseok was looking off to and it was a simple house, not to big but not to small. Seems like we are in Goldy Locks and the Three Bears I said to myself.

Jimin started walking toward the house and we all followed a safe distance behind. We were so close to the lawn, but once Jimin's foot touched the grass his body was thrown back with a spark and a shocking sound. Jimin landed back first into a tree and we all ran to check on him. "Wow Jimin are you alright?" Hoseok asked. Jimin was rubbing his back as he started to stand up with a boost from Jin. "Yeah, but what the hell was that?" He asked a confused look on his face.

Once I turned back around to the house I noticed five unfamiliar guys growling in our direction. "Get 'em" One growled with a very low voice. The five then jumped toward our direction and we got into a fight. I was pinned down by this one dude, but I wasn't really trying, I didn't want to hurt them because they could just be trying to protect their home. I looked over to my right to notice Jimin, Hoseok and Jin were also pinned down.

"What are you doing here?" The one dude from earlier asked. "Hey we were just hunting and stumbled across a house and got curious!" Jin yelled. They all looked back to the one dude and he nodded. They all got off of us and we stood up while we cleaned ourselves off. "Follow me" The man said. Well he didn't really look like a man, but who am I to say. We went to follow them into the house and for some reason the force field didn't throw us back, maybe because we weren't seen as a threat anymore.

Once we got inside we were told to sit on the couch and we did as they asked just so no trouble would be caused. "Let me introduce myself, I'm Bangchan and this is my pack, we are formed of many different beings and one of my witches tells me you know something about the rebirth of the royal spirit" The man said standing in front of us. Well this is gonna be an interesting conversation.

"Why should we tell you anything?" Jimin growled. "Because we can help you with your situation" Bangchan said. "Fine, I'll tell you some of it as long as you come with us to meet her" I replied. Y/n should be able to see if they are trust worthy once we are there I said to myself.

Author pov.
Y/n, Jungkook, Taehyung and Yoongi were able to hunt perfectly while bringing home extras. They walked into the house, but Y/n stopped half way in taking a new aura it wasn't bad just something she hasn't felt before. Once she entered the living room along with the others one of the unfamiliar boys jumped to his feet backing away. This boy was Woojin, but why did he jump up? No one knew except himself.

"Woojin what's wrong?" Felix asked noticing the boys unfamiliar manner. Woojin took in a sharp breath. "I haven't been completely honest with you guys" he said letting out a sigh. Everyone looked around confused not understanding why he had any secrets to hold. "Lana, the last holder of the royal blood, was my childhood friend. Since I am part witch I knew about it and I did my best to protect her, once Junloon got ahold of her I went to save her. I got there to see her taking in some sort of energy and then a big explosion and all I saw was dust. I was to late, I could have saved her but I ran out of time" He said looking down at the ground.

"Is there any proof of Lana's death?" Y/n asked. He finally looked up making eye contact with Y/n. "The dust" He replied. Y/n thought a little to herself, for some reason I feel like this won't be the last I hear about her She said to herself. The others took in the information slowly, but surely the finally understood. "Don't beat yourself up about it" Minho said placing a hand on the elders shoulder. "Now who are you guys?" Yoongi asked crossing his arms in front of his chest. He didn't know why nine unfamiliar faces were in his house and he wanted an explanation.

A/n; Any questions?

~Jeon Jaetae 💢

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