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"We are not saying we don't trust her, we are just saying we need to be cautious just a little more with her compared to the rest of you" Chan said. "Understandable." Namjoon said nodding. "So Y/n, what exactly do you know about the royal spirit?" Woojin asked and his words honestly made me think. Truly I knew nothing about the royal spirit, but I knew a few facts or many white lies that were thrown at me before. "All I know is it's like every power ever and the last carrier was Lana" I replied. "Namjoon do you have a library anywhere in your home?" Woojin asked. "Yeah we do" Namjoon said nodding his head. "Could you kindly bring all of us there?" Woojin asked.

Namjoon looked over to Yoongi, who nodded, and thats when Namjoon started walking up the stairs followed by everyone else. He headed down the side of the hallway I had never been down and opened a door that seemed to lead to more stairs. Once we got up the stairs we were surrounded by books. "Where is your supernatural history section?" Woojin asked. "Right there" Namjoon said pointing to a specific shelf. We all then walked over there as Woojin began to scan the books. There was so many books on all beings history. There were ones for; werewolves, witches, vampires, demons and many more.

Once he slid his finger down the vampire section I noticed the titles. Simple Vampire abilities, how to hide, the council and stuff like that. There seemed to be nothing on the royal spirit which confused me considering I was told it was the most powerful ability know to vampires. So shouldn't it have many books written about it? "Ah here" Woojin said pulling out a very thin book that I would have never noticed if he didn't move it. It honestly looked like a child's picture book due to the size.

"This is all the information we have on the royal spirit" Woojin said handing me the book. I opened it to see barely anything written, except what to do when in contact with someone carrying the royal spirit and it's known abilities which was a really long list. Most of the book was the list about the spirits KNOWN abilities. "There is like nothing in here" I said flipping back in forth through the ten pages the book held. "Exactly" He replied. "No one truly knows anything about the royal spirit except for the holder, but it takes time for the holder to understand it" Woojin said.

"What about Lana's story?" I questioned. "No one really knows how people figured it out, because she kept no written copy of her thoughts, but somehow the incident still got out. Even though I was her best friend I didn't really know to much about her, she was a veey concealed person" Woojin said which only made things more confusing. "Well I get more and more confused with the day" I sighed. "And that's understandable, hell I still don't know what I'm doing!" Jin exclaimed causing everyone to slightly chuckle.

"So Woojin, do you know anything about the royal spirit that like isn't documented?" I asked and he looked as if he was thinking. "Well I know some things, but only because of my grandmother who was a very powerful witch who could break down the past and just know everything that happened" He said. "But she never tells me anything about it and she says 'If I tell you the truth it will mess up the future' I'm guessing she thinks if she tells me anything then it will only hurt what is soon to happen" He said which only made me confused, but in a way I understood it.

Because if something big happened in the past that no one knew the truth about and she just told everyone the truth then it could badly effect the future. I said to myself trying my best to make sense of the gibberish I just spoke in my head. "Well then why did she tell you a few things about it?" Jungkook asked. "Well she also gets glimpses of the future, so if she sees telling me will go good for the future then she tells me" Woojin replied and thats when it started making sense.

"Then what did she tell you?" I asked. "Well she told me that if the royal spirit is using dark magic or magic for purposes that aren't exactly pure their eyes turn violet and their hair turns silver" He said. Sounds like the witch I thought to myself, making sure to shut Jungkook off my thoughts before thinking it. "Also if they use light magic or pure magic then their eyes turn royal blue and their hair goes white" He said, and all of us tried to understand the information.

"And the last thing she told me is, apparently a royal spirit carrier doesn't have to die for another to be born like most people believe, apparently it's just random and no one truly knows how someone is given the ability, but if someone is born with it while another one is alive then the older one looses all the royal spirits abilites except for one" Woojin said and that sentence surprised and confused everyone. "Woah woah WOAH!" Jisung yelled. "Okay so like let's just say if someone else was born with the royal spirit right now then Y/n would loose all her abilites?" Hoseok asked. "Exactly" Woojin replied.

"Hmm very interesting, all this information sounds very very helpful" I said. "I just wish your grandmother would tell you more" I sighed. "Don't worry I do too, I have always begged her to tell me but she won't budge. I remember when I was upset because of Lana's death she stayed clear of me and I kept trying to ask her if it really happened or if she could tell me how it happened but she never would." Woojin said.

A/n: At first I was gonna do a big bomb with something that is gonna happen, but now I'm kinda adding hints to it if that makes sense

~Jeonie Jae💞

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