Turn of Events

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Fan Chengcheng's POV (right after the previous chapter)

As the four of us were walking through the hallways, I felt that something was off. The hallway was very quiet, the lights were dimmed and what's weird was that the hallway was emptier compared to other hallways we went through.

Normally, I wished for my gut to be correct but this time, I wish for once that my gut was wrong and it was just my 'overthinking' brain going. Unfortunately, it was not the case. When we heard a rumbling noise, I scanned through the hallway and as I looked upwards, I knew what has to be done. I shouted towards Nongnong, signalling him as I pulled (Y/N) with me.

Right as we were separated, the ceiling collapsed. I was shielding (Y/N) as best as I could whilst looking for a way or a safer place. Thankfully, the ceiling stopped collapsing and I blinked a few times to readjust to the new lighting before checking (Y/N) to make sure she was alright. As I slowly looked back down at (Y/N), I noticed how her body was trembling, her hands were covering herself and I can even hear a few whimpers from her.

Sighing, I slowly crouched down and grabbed onto her shoulders, getting her attention. As I've got her attention, I softly told her that I'm alright and that we'll get out of this situation, not forgetting to give her a reassuring smile and patted her head then helped her get back on her feet.

"It's gonna be alright ok? Don't leave my side, c'mere" I wrapped an arm around (Y/N)'s shoulder as my hand patted her head

"I-I'm scared Cheng. Ho-how are you not? Not to mention, you were shielding me! Are you ok?!" (Y/N) asked worriedly

"I'm fine (Y/N). I've...been through scarier situations. I'm more worried about you though. Are you sure you're not hurt?" I asked back

"Hmm, I'm fine, thanks to you Cheng. It's just a bit chilly, that's all. Oh crap, I don't have any signals from here. I just hope that (F/N) is alright" (Y/N) admitted, taking her phone out to find some signal

"She's fine (Y/N). She's with Nongnong! And don't forget! He's super Nongnong in disguise. C'mon, let's just stay together and find a way out together" I exclaimed

Though it seems as if I wasn't worried one bit, I still had this uneasy feeling in my gut. As (Y/N) and I were walking once more, I decided to take my "phone" out and look at the group chat that was clearly blowing up. I scrolled a bit and turns out Nongnong was the one who told the rest about the mess.

Ting-ge - Zhengting

Brat - Justin


Kun-ge - Kun

Cold Jokes - Yanjun

Cold Jokes - Yanjun

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And with that, I put my phone back and (Y/N) asked me if I managed to call someone for help

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And with that, I put my phone back and (Y/N) asked me if I managed to call someone for help. I weakly smiled at her, saying that I had only managed to contact Zhengting for a moment before I lost my signal as well. But I did reassure her by saying that Ting-ge will get some help which (Y/N) smiled back and hugging me all of a sudden.

The two of us then kept walking through the hallways until there were three figures coming towards us, flashing their lights directly at us. They told us that they were there to help us get out of the escape room. One of them stood in front of us while the other two stood beside me and (Y/N). But of course, my gut was telling me that something was wrong and that something was definitely off with those guys.

Because I felt something was off, I decided to ask them a few questions regarding this "incident". But all they mentioned was that it was an earthquake. However, little did they know that I was talking with the other guys who were not in this escape room and if it were an earthquake, they would let me know first hand. Plus, even if it was an earthquake, the ground beneath us should've been shaken as well but the reality is that only the ceiling that shook and even collapsed. As I just mentioned that last information I picked up to them, I suddenly noticed a light being reflected and in a swift motion, the two men right beside us went to attack me as I moved (Y/N) behind me.

Hellow everyone. I am back with another chapter and this time, we got a chat format (I was playing around at the time) which is why the actual story itself is not that long but I do hope that you like the lil chat I inserted. Anyways, my deadlines are starting to creep up but thankfully I have several drafts that are "ready" to go and I'll still try my best to post them every week (maybe slightly late) but will regularly post them. Alright, Imma head back to my assignments cause they're calling me :" Thank you all for reading and I hope you have an amazing weekend!! See you all in the next chapter :) xoxo Vinet

Quick authors note: I have this lil deleted scene of Chengcheng and (Y/N) before they go to the escape room so if you guys want me to post that, let me know ;)

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