Looks That Can Kill

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All conversations ahead will be in English except for a few parts but let's just pretend it's in Chinese because it'll take a while if I use full Chinese (plus my Chinese is broken AF). Also, I updated my prologue and put the characters that will be in the story. In case if you didn't know/didn't see my updated prologue, from left to right is Justin, Cheng", ZhengTing/Theo

Your POV

"No way...it can't be...ZhengTing-*ge!! Justin!! ChengCheng!!" I squealed running towards the three men that were in front of me, hugging all of them at once

"Ahahahaha, how are you (Y/N)-*mei? " ZhengTing-ge asked

"Did we scare you? You seemed scared especially with my expressionless face" ChengCheng teased

"Can't believe you don't remember us *jie. I'm hurt" Justin exclamined

"Ya!! Who taught you to barged into a room without knocking let alone waking a person up so sudden?!" I argued back, playfully hitting both ChengCheng and Justin

"Well, this place is supposed to be for us performers. Not athletes. Was the gym/studio for athletes not enough for you?" ChengCheng asked

"So what if I wanted to be here?! I got permission anyways" I challenged

"Now, now, no fighting. It's good to see you again (Y/N)-mei. Also, congratulations on getting 4th place!!" ZhengTing-ge exclaimed, clapping

"Ahhh, that...you guys saw? I didn't think you would" I shyly answered, scratching my head

"Why wouldn't we?! You were amazing jie!! You should've been on the podium!! But no matter, you'll always be number one for me!!" Justin babbled

"Ehehehe, thanks. Anyways!! That has already passed so, enough about me. Since the three of you are here, I'm assuming that you're going to perform for the closing ceremony. Are you going to perform individually or with NEX7?" I asked, looking at the three YueHua boys who just looked at each other

"Actually, I'm amazed that you don't know who's performing for the closing ceremony. How about a hint? They were the first of their kind from IQIYI" ChengCheng hinted, shocking me

"No way!! Wait a minute...are you serious?! The Nine is performing?! OMG OMG!! I FINALLY GET TO SEE THEM LIVE?! HOORAY!!" I  cheered, both Justin and ZhengTing giggled

"YA!! I mean...that's not wrong, they're also performing but we're performing as well!! We, NinePercent, are going to perform for the closing as well!!" ChengCheng stuttered

"Oh, w-wait?! NINEPERCENT?! OMG! OMG! I'M GOING TO MEET ZHANGJING!! THEN YANJUN!! NOT TO MENTION ZIYI AND XIAOGUI!! (the other Nine Percent bois)" I exclaimed, jumping around

"OI!! WHAT ABOUT US?!" ChengCheng argued

"Ehhhh...I guess you're a good start ChengCheng, though if I were to rank you guys, you'd be last for me to meet. Anyways, what song are you guys going to perform? Ei! Ei!? It's Ok? Oooh!! Oooh!! Mack Daddy?!" I asked happily, ignoring ChengCheng

"We'll be performing Mack Daddy!!" Justin responded, I immediately squealed

"But it has been quite a long time since we performed all together so, we're a bit nervoused" ZhengTing-ge admitted, Justin shyly nodded while ChengCheng put on a funny annoyed face

"I'll help!! I mean, I'm not the other 6 boys but I can help by giving my opinion from a perspective of someone that has watched you perform and know the song" I suggested

"I guess it'll be great practice whilst we wait for the other boys. Alright, let's go" ZhengTing-ge agreed, the other two boys nodded

The three boys then took the centre of the studio room whilst I sit in front of the mirror, meaning I was also right in front of them. The boys then started to perform to their song, 'Mack Daddy'. Despite not all 9 of the boys were present, they did a great job in filling in the other's parts. Even though it has been around 3 years since they boys performed together, they still did well. Their vocals, dance, tone and even their gaze were all well. Maybe not as good as they were back then but that's why it's still called practice. Once they were done performing, I clapped to hype them up a bit before proceeding to tell them the good aspects then what can they improve.

I gave them a bit of disclaimer, saying that my Chinese is still not as good and I may have to use English but the three men were sweet and said that I can just use English from the start. However, being the stubborn person I am, I still tried to explain what they can improve in Chinese and after a few minutes of the boys giggling and me being frustrated, I immediately switched to English; the boys quickly laughed and I playfully hit each of them before continuing my explanation of what can they improve. I did tell them to take my opinion with a grain of salt since I was in no way a professional in stage performances for idols or artists in general.

I explained to the 3 men that personally, they focussed to much on remembering the moves/experession of the performance instead of actually enjoying the performance. I then decided to ask them on what they personally think about their own performance. Though quiet at first, Justin quickly broke the silence and suspense by explaining that what I said was partly true. That to him, he was just trying to memorise the movements and performance because it has been too long since they performed it; not to mention that it is quite a famous song from Idol Producer. ZhengTing-ge and ChengCheng also agreed with what Justin said. Mainly the part where it's a famous song from Idol Producer and ChengCheng added that he's a bit stressed out with his other work like acting and reality shows.

I then understood more about where they were all coming from. However, the closing ceremony was in 3 days and not to mention, they haven't practiced with the other boys as well. I then told them that from a viewer and a performer standpoint, I can definitely understand the pressure. From a viewer standpoint, you definitely want to be entranced. Especially from a boyband whom was so well-known and performing a well-known/iconic song. However, from a performer standpoint, if you haven't practiced for so long and only get a few days to perfect it, it can definitely be stressful. I then decided to hype the boys up by saying that we could practice together. I told them that we could just practice other things whilst playing around before actually getting into the main practice session of 'mack daddy' which they all agreed on.

We played around here and there (not so much with the practising part); mostly Justin and ChengCheng arguing about who's better in doing charades while ZhengTing-ge tried to get me to teach him a few figure skating moves like how do I jump, what kind of jumps I do, spin positions and even spirals or other moves like ina bauer/hydroblade. The boys were in shock by how strong and how well I could balance myself whilst doing hydroblade and cantilever which I argued back by saying that there are other athletes like Yuzu/Shoma who does those moves better and could hold them longer than I could but Justin just counter my excuse by saying that I'm just humble and I shook my head shyly. Finally, after around 30 minutes (ish) of playing around, the boys seemed to be in a good mood so I told them that it's finally time to practice again. I took off my training jacket which immediately caught their attention and we proceeded to take our positions to start practising.

*ge means big brother, mei means little sister, jie means big sister

Hello everyone, so sorry for the late post but I am finally back home, yes, my original home not the country I am in for uni because this semester is still online (insert sad tears) so my parents just told me to just go home. Anyways, to those who don't know about these three bois, let me introduce them briefly (though I updated my prologue to hv the characters of the story). The three bois are Justin (Huang Ming Hao) aka the youngest being born in 2002, then Fan ChengCheng (the little brother of actress Fan BingBing) and Zhu ZhengTing aka the mama of the group and as I like to call him, bendy boi. Also, a bit of a spoiler for those who did not read the prologue, there are 9 of these bois (I meant like their band that has disbanded has 9 people) and I know, it may seem a bit crowded but there will be some that are more prominent than others. Alright, hope this cleared up the characters :) See you all next week!! xoxo Vinet

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