Fighting Back

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Lin Yanjun's POV

After my "quick" shower, I got changed and finally went out of the room to find (Y/N) sitting in the living room and watching the show from the other night. I then coughed a bit to get her attention which worked and she quickly stood up, making me chuckle at her behaviour and told her that I was only signalling her that I was done; not really wanting to scare her in any way.

"I didn't mean to scare you. Are you done watching? Or, you want to finish watching first?" I asked, putting my hands in the pockets of my pants

"No no, I'm fine. Don't worry about it. I can always watch it when I'm back home. Also, why do you always look good and I'm here in sweats?" (Y/N) complained as she turned the TV off

"Funny. I always look good. Plus, I don't really have girl/woman clothing in my house; unless it's my parents' house. But, we can do a bit of shopping if you'd like. Since we are meeting (F/N) and Nongnong for lunch and it's just roughly 10" I mentioned

"I guess but I don't want you to pay for it" (Y/N) replied

"Umm, did you forget that you only came with your phone and I don't allow you to use it? It's fine. Consider it a gift for making it to the Olympics. Now let's go" I exclaimed, nudging (Y/N) to come

After a bit of walking again, we've reached my car and headed off into town. Of course, I had to put on a mask and hat, just in case anyone recognises me and went into a small shop for (Y/N). Despite having a little sister, I don't really help (Y/N) pick out an outfit since she should be able to choose and wear whatever she wants. I just stood by the corner and waited for her. After a few minutes (which surprisingly is quick since I thought I'd be waiting for like 30 minutes to an hour), (Y/N) came out wearing a white sweater and a beige/brown culottes; which honestly fits her and the weather.

 After a few minutes (which surprisingly is quick since I thought I'd be waiting for like 30 minutes to an hour), (Y/N) came out wearing a white sweater and a beige/brown culottes; which honestly fits her and the weather

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(Y/N) asked if it was alright and I just gave her a slight smile and two thumbs up before making my way to the cashier and paid for her outfit and asking for a shopping bag to put the clothes she borrowed in. Afterwards, I put the shopping bag back into the car then looked at my phone to see Nongnong texting me the location that we will be meeting. I then told (Y/N) that we should head there which she nodded; and once again, another awkward silence between us.

"Jun-ge..." (Y/N) called out

"Hmm? Are you already hungry? Do you want to stop by some stalls and get something to eat?" I asked but that only made (Y/N) chuckled

"No no, I'm fine. It's just, thank you. For arranging a meeting with Nongnong despite, you know" (Y/N) mumbled, looking at me

"No worries. Oh, and, don't mention anything to Nongnong alright. Just pretend that the whole Yuzu-Kun conversation never happened. Just enjoy your time with (F/N). Let me worry about Nongnong" I replied

"Alright. Oh right, you never really met (F/N)!! Umm, don't act too cold, kay? She's a bit awkward with new people but once you get to know her, she's a really awesome person" (Y/N) requested

"Sure thing" I noted, giving her another smile as we went to the restaurant

At the restaurant, the both of us waited for (F/N) and Nongnong who came not long after we did and both (Y/N) and (F/N) immediately hugged each other. Of course, I introduced myself to (F/N) who thanked me for watching out for (Y/N) and I replied by telling her it was nothing. We all then head inside to have some lunch which surprisingly Nongnong actually started a conversation with all of us.

After lunch, (Y/N) and (F/N) said that they wanted to sightsee and maybe buy a few things which both Nongnong and I didn't disagree and we just accompanied the two girls going around town, taking pictures and all. By the end of the night, we all dropped (F/N) back at her actual dorm and bid our farewells; especially (Y/N).

Once (F/N) was back into the dorm, I kept my stance in front of (Y/N) as Nongnong was right in front of us. But as we walked a bit more, I felt that something was off that I stopped, making (Y/N) stopped as well. I stood my guard despite (Y/N) asking what went wrong and when Nongnong stopped his tracks as well, I knew that something was definitely up.

"(Y/N), listen to me. Go and run, far away from here. Hide in a shop or a bathroom. You know what, there's a mall nearby. Go there and just go around the mall. Go" I informed her

"Jun-ge, what..." (Y/N) mumbled

"I told you to leave them to me. It was my choice so it's my responsibility. Go, while it's just Nongnong" I slightly growled, making (Y/N) a bit scared

However, as she was about to leave, we heard some footsteps coming with a not-so unfamiliar voice because it was none other than Kun, himself; and of course, he didn't come alone. He brought Ziyi with him because Ziyi is one of the other ones that could take me on; aside from Nongnong.

"Stay (Y/N). It'll be a hassle if you leave again" Kun stated, standing right between Nongnong and Ziyi

"(Y/N), go. Now!!" I shouted, definitely scaring her but she rushed away from the scene anyway. But when Ziyi immediately tried to catch (Y/N), I quickly blocked him

"Nope. Your opponent is me" I stated, pushing Ziyi back

"Yanjun. Just come back with us. We can work things out" Ziyi reasoned

"And Kun gets what he wants? Settling the scores with a certain Japanese?" I challenged, Kun's gaze immediately looked pissed

"Don't act like you know the whole story. A tip of an iceberg is just a little preview of what it actually is. You know, since, titanic clearly sank because of it. Just as people don't see other's hard work and dedication rather only see the end result. So, don't think that just because you somewhat know the preview, you know the whole episode" Kun commented

"But the preview is bits and pieces of the episode which means it's the truth. Or am I wrong? Because clearly, the situation is in your favour" I provoked

"You seem pretty worked up for someone who only knew her for a short amount of time. It's not like she means that much to you" Kun barked as I scoffed at his statement

"Jun, we really don't want to fight. Let's just all go back and we'll figure something out" Nongnong persuaded

"Then how bout you start by telling me your master plan, Kun" I demanded

"This is getting us nowhere. Nong, Ziyi, take him" Kun commanded as both Ziyi and Nongnong walked up to me

"I sure as hell hope (Y/N) is having a better time than I am" I thought to myself, getting ready to fight back

A/N: hello everyone!! How are you doing? I hope you are doing alright. I'm so sorry for not updating last week!! But in return, I'll be updating 2 chapters this week. Also, just letting you guys know that this story is already finished and I'm just proofreading them and I think it'll all be out before the end of this month. Thank you to those who constantly read them and voting!! I appreciate it so much!! See you in the next one :) xoxo Vinet

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