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Lin Yanjun's POV

After another few hours of sleep, I was once again awoken but by my alarm which I quickly turned off, not wanting to wake (Y/N) up because it was just 6 in the morning. I blinked several times, and grabbed my phone to check on a few things before I actually got up. I scrolled on my phone a bit more, especially when I finally contacted Nongnong, requesting that (Y/N) meet up with (F/N) one last time before we had to deal with other things. I knew it was quite a risk, especially since Chengcheng was already captured and Kun must've known that I took (Y/N) but it's highly unfair for (Y/N) to not meet her friend before she had to leave for her final competition of the season. I've also thought that if I could get something out of (Y/N), there might be a possibility on reasoning with Kun.

Speaking of (Y/N), as I turned around to see her, she wasn't in bed. Worried that she went out or something else happened to her, I quickly got up and rushed out of my room, scanning the place to see if there were any clues that might lead me to what could possibly happen to (Y/N). But as it turns out, (Y/N) was just in the kitchen, whipping up some eggs and bacon. Sighing in relieve, I went over to confront her, asking what she was doing and why she didn't wake me up/

"You know, you could've let me know that you were hungry" I confronted her, making her jump in the process

"OH MY 我的天啊,我面包...(wo de tian a, wo mian bao= omg, my bread). Jun-ge...I, I didn't want to bother you. Especially after waking you up at like 3/4 in the morning. You seemed quite tired and was sleeping peacefully. So, I just went out and made some tea and toast; since you like bread" (Y/N) replied, handing me the toast with scramble eggs she just made

"Thanks. But seriously, it's alright. I'm used to only sleeping for 5-6 hours. I mean, my job requires me to be all over the place and sometimes not even getting enough sleep. But, I manage. Also, thanks for the tea and bread" I mumbled, drinking the tea

"It's the least I could do since you sort of kept me safe; I supposed" (Y/N) mentioned

"Right, right. Hey, (Y/N). I know it may be a bit sudden and too soon to your liking but do you think you know what information Kun would want from you? And just in case you forgot, it's regarding Ha...Yuzu" I sighed, asking her the question I also dreaded asking

"Ah, right. I forgot that you didn't bring me here just to chill. Umm, can you answer me something beforehand?" (Y/N) asked back as I was leaning onto the counter

"Depends on your question. If this is regarding my idol life, then, I can't really tell you much. Wouldn't be fair for the other fans, now would it?" I joked, looking down at my tea

"No no, don't worry. I, I just want to know what's the connection between Kun and Yuzu. I mean, they're from two different worlds. I mean, not necessary since both of them are superstars in their respective field but still. One is an idol, a singer, songwriter, whilst the other one is an athlete, he performs for the audience in a different way. Sure, both live like on a stage with an audience and both are performers but, agghhh, you get what I mean. I don't get how they met. I've been Yuzu's translator, assistant, friend, whatever you call it but never did he once mention anything about Kun nor even listen to any C-pop. This is just driving me insane" (Y/N) exploded, groaning and even held her head in her hands as she let out all the frustration

"Are you done? Or, you wanna keep going?" I asked, lifting my head as I saw (Y/N) stood there in frustration

"It's just, it's insane. They can't be school mates since one studied in Japan whilst the other studied in China and US. Plus, even if they do know each other, what freaking war are they in, are you guys in" (Y/N) questioned, clearly still frustrated

"Hmm, I can't really let you in all the details for 1. your safety and 2. your sanity" I mentioned

"Quit joking around Jun-ge. This is serious. Plus, my sanity has probably ceased to exist by now" (Y/N) nagged as I chuckled a bit

"But I'm serious (Y/N). Anyways, I know you're not dumb. Pretty sure you have somewhat of a picture of what's going on. Let's just say that what you see in the spotlight and media are not always the truth, am I right? But I'll let you in on this much, those two were not exactly 'friends' since the beginning and it doesn't really help that the two got caught up with something at the same time. We all thought that was that but apparently, it clearly wasn't because we're here and you have something that Kun want" I explained, moving the tea within the glass around

"What? They were in a fight because of a girl?" (Y/N) joked but I stared at her blankly

"W-wait, you're, you're not serious, right? Yuzu? A girl? That's just..." (Y/N) mumbled

"Absurd? Nothing is impossible. But enough of that, I can't say too much. You must know something. Something that's completely at the end of the spectrum when it comes to Yuzu. Something that even fanfiction writers wouldn't even think about when they think of Yuzu" I argued, staring at (Y/N)

"I...I don't know, I, I can't think..." (Y/N) muttered, holding her head in her hands again

"You don't know, you can't think or you don't want to remember? I mean, traumas happen (Y/N). Your brain knows that it hurts you quite a lot and is trying its best to make you forget about them. But truth is, no matter how much you're scared of them, how much you try to forget them. Just like how strangers can appear in your dreams, your brain will for sure, remember them. Now, I'll ask you again, (Y/N), what do you know of Hanyu that is the complete opposite to what you have always known about him?" I questioned, looking dead serious

A/N: hello everyone!! I hope you're all staying safe and still practising social distancing because cases have arisen again. Like, just because you got vaccinated, it does not give 100% guarantee that you wouldn't get infected. Also, your girl just got her first dose yesterday and is feeling quite sleepy :" so please stay safe and still practise good hygiene and don't go out unless absolutely necessary. Wishing everyone healthy health!! :) xoxo Vinet

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