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ok so i just thought of this and you have to listen to the song while you read it btw it makes it better 😘

I was led out on the sofa with my head on Elijah's chest, he had one arm wrapped around me and the other one was stroking my hair as i read my book "i think i'm going to go out on a walk." i smiled and looked up at Elijah "I'll come with you." he said, i shook my head "i want to go by myself." Elijah had a worried look on his face but knew that he would never win an argument so nodded. I got up and opened the door "i'll be back soon don't worry." i smiled and walked out the door.

As i walked around the streets of New Orleans i decided to through an alley way as i didn't want to go through the huge crowd of people, it was dark but i had been this way hundreds of times before. I turned a corner and wall immediately struck to the ground, i looked up to see something but my vision started to go dark and i fell limp.

I woke up in the middle of a field surrounded by daisies, i couldn't remember what happened and how i got here so i got up and walked around. I walked until i saw at least one sign of life, i stumbled across a cottage and knocked on the door. A young lady opened the door "hi i was wondering where the nearest town was." she looked down at my clothes and back up at me with a worried expression before pointing to the left of me "follow that road and turn right." she trembled, i didn't know why she was so scared but i just smiled and began waking. I was starving and felt weak but i kept going until i found a sign that said 'welcome to new orleans.' I followed down the road, i ended up in the middle of the town. I looked around and my eye caught on something 'the grill.' i walked inside and sat down at one of the tables, a waiter walked up to me "would you like anything?" he asked "do you have burgers?" he nodded and walked away, i looked around at the building. There were lots of people eating food and talking, the waiter arrived back with a plate. It had a burger on it with some fries and salad, i began to eat "mmmmm" my throat rumbled as i savoured the taste, i finished it all and walked up to the bar. I grabbed the attention of the same waiter that served me "hey are you offering any jobs? I just got here and i need somewhere to stay but i have no money." he nodded and i smiled "thank you so much, if you want i can start working right now there's nothing else i could be doing."
"sure thanks." i nodded and walked behind the bar.

It started to get dark outside, i put my hand in my pocket and pulled out $200 in tips. I walked outside and looked around, i walked up to someone "hey do you live here?" i asked them "yes...?" i smiled and out my hand out for them to shake "i just got here and have nowhere to stay, would you mind if i slept at your house? I won't dry for multiple days i just need somewhere to sleep tonight." they smiled and nodded "thank you so much you have no idea how much this means to me." i followed them to their house, they brought me into a spare room "you can sleep here." i hugged them and got into the bed.

I woke up in the morning and went to the grill, i walked inside and worked up until 3 pm. I had saved up $1000 form working so i went and bought an apartment, i wasn't luxury but it would do.

3 months passed and i decided to go on a walk around mystic falls, i hadn't really got a chance to explore anything yet. I came across a huge house, its doors were open and there were loads of people walking around so i decided to go inside. When i stepped in i looked around, i walked around the empty room and to the edge of the stairs that led upstairs when hundreds of memories flooded in my head, i stumbled backwards and held onto the ba aster to support myself. I felt tears start to run down my face as i closed my eyes and saw Elijah's smile and how we danced in here, i saw all the memories we had and him picking me up and spinning me around when i came back from England. I remembered when we stayed up all night watching disney movies and reading through his journals, i opened my eyes back up and ran outside. I looked around and ran to Stefan and Damon's house, as i did memories of my family and being best friends with Damon. I bashed my hands against the door and when Stefan opened it i fell into his arms, i cried into his shoulder and hugged him. He picked me up and carried me over to the sofa where he placed me down and watched me sob, memories didn't stop flashing.

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