part 11: cock

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He pulled me towards him, and met his lips with mine. I was too surprised to move, and I stayed still for a moment, before realizing what was happening. 

I responded, snaking my hands through his hair after returning his kiss. 

He moved his mouth against mine, and I returned, gently sucking on his bottom lip before I pulled away. 

I rested my forehead on his, breathing hard. He smiled, and stroked my cheek. 

"What was that for?" I asked, smiling. 

"Not sure, princess, just felt like it," he replied. 

I pulled him towards me, and said, "Well, can you feel like it again?"

He grabbed the back of my head again, and we continued. This lead to me calling a cab while he placed fresh, hot kisses down my neck, and us making out all the way home, to the chagrin of the taxi driver. 

Once we got to my house, we ran up the stairs, and I pulled him into my bedroom, frantically undoing my shirt as I did so. He kissed me furiously, trying to assist me in the removal of my clothes. 

"Rip it," I said panting, and he immediately complied. 

We fell onto my bed, and he looked at me.

"Viv," he said longingly.

"Shut the fuck up for once, Cook," I said with a smile, and he did.

I fell asleep, and when I woke up, it was dark outside. I reached across the bed, and no one was there. I sat up, looking around the room, and no one was there.

"That bastard," I said aloud to myself. A tear dripped down my cheek, and I wiped it away furiously. I could feel the sadness coming down on me.

He left me. Why did he leave me?

I got out of bed, and searched around my room for my phone. After finding it, I opened it, and looked through my contacts. Finding the one I wanted, I pressed call.

"Hi, JJ, where are you?"


I cautiously rang JJ's doorbell, and a sweet looking lady opened the door. 

"Hello, sweetheart, can I help you?" she asked. 

"Yeah, I'm here to see JJ?"

She looked shocked, and opened the door wider.

"Of course, love. Uh," she said, then called up the stairs. 

"JJ, a girl here to see you!"

I heard banging from upstairs, then footsteps, then finally JJ came into view, as he ran down the stairs, then stopped when he saw me.

"Hey Viv," he waved awkwardly. 

I smiled nervously, and walked around his mum, who was still standing in the doorway, and up the stairs.

JJ showed me to his room, a room filled with books, notes pinned on the wall, and lots of experiments everywhere. I sat down on his red bedspread, as he hovered nervously near the open door.

"Sorry about this," I said, trying to break the silence. "I just didn't know who to talk to, cause Panda's Effy's best friend, and I can't go to Freddy, and I don't really know Emily or Naomi. And there's Katie I guess, but you were kinda the only person left."

JJ walked near the bed, as if he was going to sit down next to me, but evidently decided against me and sat down at a chair. 

He said, "Uh, it's ok, you know. You're nice, or you seem nice, and you're friends with Cook, and I'm friends with Cook, and I don't actually know that much about you, but you're nice."

"Thanks, JJ," I laughed. "Not sure about the whole friends with Cook thing, though," I said, looking down at my hands. 

"Anyway," I said. "I was wondering if I could sleep here tonight. I, uh, well," I said, not sure how to continue. 

JJ looked shocked, but I soldiered on. 

"Yeah, you see, I just don't really wanna be in my house, and I don't want to do something stupid if I'm alone," I finally admitted, as much to myself as to JJ.

He nodded, and said, "Yeah, sure. Do you want to take the bed?"

I smile gratefully, and stood up to hug him. 

"Thank you, JJ," I said sincerely in his ear. 


The next morning, I walked to school with JJ, after an uncomfortable breakfast with his mum and dad, who seemed both ecstatic and confused at the fact that I had spent the night. 

JJ spent the time talking about the solar system, while I half-listened. I stiffened, however, when I saw a familiar, cocky boy in a blue sweater strolling up towards us. 

Cook held up his arms, and crowed, "My favorite mates, Vi and JJ! Missed you tossers!"

A smile came over JJ's face as Cook came to give him a hug.

I side stepped Cook's outstretched arm and kept walking, ignoring him. A feeling of anger came over me, and I stopped. I heard Cook catching up to me, and I turned around to face him.

A big smile came over his face when he saw me, followed by a confused look as he saw the anger on my face. He walked up to me and put his hands on my arms, searching my face. 

"Come on, Viv, you don't want a hug from Cookie?"

I snapped, and just started hitting him, screaming, "Fuck you, you cock! Fucking twat small-cocked bastard! I fucking hate you, you prick!"

I felt arms holding me back, pulling me away from Cook, and I stopped resisting. Cook staggered back, one hand on his eye, that seeming to be the only damage I'd done.

"What the fuck, Vi? What did I do?" he said, flabbergasted.

"You left me, you git! What the actual fuck?" I said, breathing heavily. 

Realization came over his face, and he said, "Are you seriously mad about that? What, did I take your virginity or something?"

I shook off JJ's arms, and shook my head in disbelief.

"No, dickhead, but since pretty much everyone's left me, not to mention you, didn't you think it would be a shitty move if you left me alone in my bed after we had sex? I thought we didn't piss on each other, huh?" I said, then turned and walked away, wiping away tears. 

"Viv!" he protested behind me, but I kept on walking, until I got to the doors of Roundview College. With a deep breath, I pushed them open, and stepped inside. 

everything's fucked// james cookWhere stories live. Discover now