part 25: daft cows

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I followed after him.

"Seriously?" I said. "I just saved your ass, what are you talking about?"

He spun around to face me, his face contorted in anger.

"Where's your boyfriend," he spits.

"What fucking boyfriend?" I reply. "I don't remember dating Tony or getting back together with you, unless I've got fucking amnesia."

"What's that, then," he says, pointing to my neck. I look down to see a purple bruise, an exact match for Tony's lips.

"Since when does shagging someone mean you're dating?" I retort. "Isn't that like your life's motto, you prat?"

"So you fucked him?" he says, his chest rising and falling rapidly. "Fuck!" he screams out, punching the brick wall of the police station.

I'm shocked at his outburst, but I don't show it, crossing my arms and barely flinching. 

"You jealous?" I scoffed. 

"Fuck you, Viv," he says, breathing heavily. "You bloody left me and broke my fucking heart, yeah I'm jealous!" he shouted. 

"Well, I'm back now," I say softly, placing a hand on his arm to try to calm him down. "I'm back."

He shrugged off my arm, shaking his head. 

"Doesn't fucking matter," he says. "I'm popping Panda now, she's gotten a lot better. Might even be better than you."

I breathed in to try to control my tears as I shake with rage.

"Disgusting," I say, staring up straight into his eyes. 

He laughs maliciously. 

"Yeah, she can twist her legs up over her head and-"

I walk away before he can finish that, but I change my mind, and stomp back over to him. 

"Fucking Panda!" I shout. "Anyone but fucking Panda!"

I've hated her, ever since that day at the camp. Who cheats on their boyfriend by making a move on their friend's boyfriend? What a bitch. 

"Anyone but fucking Tony Stonem!" he shouts back. "Tone, Tone, yeah, yeah," he says, mimicking me.

I pant heavily, not sure what else to say. Cook had backed me up against the wall of the police station, and his eyes dropped to my lips. I bit my bottom lip nervously, waiting for him to scream at me some more.

"You're a wanker," I say, my eyes now on his lips.

I can't help but notice how fucking attractive he is. I'm in deep shit. 

"And you're a fucking," his voice trails off as he places a hand next to my head, caging me in on one side.

"A fucking," with those words he places his other hand next to my head.

"What?" I say, conscious of how close we are. 

"I have no fucking clue," he said, before he kissed me.

He attacked my mouth with ferocity, aggressively, as I tugged on the hair at the nape of his neck. He picked me up as I wrap my legs around his waist. 

Slipping his tongue into my mouth, he tilts my head back to have better access. He pulls away, but not before biting my plump bottom lip. 

I gasp at the pain, then moan as he moves to my neck, placing his own bruises over Tony's, marking me as his.  

"Fuck, James," I moan softly.

He lifts his head and pauses his attack on the soft skin near my collar bone to smirk at me. 

everything's fucked// james cookWhere stories live. Discover now