part 26: prat

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I groaned as I stirred awake. I know it had been a while since I last slept in my bed, but I didn't remember it being so hard. I made a mental note to get a new mattress.

Opening my eyes, I realized my head wasn't on my pillow, or even my mattress. The events of yesterday rushed back to me, and I smiled uncontrollably. 


It's Cook.

I closed my eyes, and rested peacefully, my head against his chest, listening to his heart beat steadily.

"I love you so much," I whispered, assuming he was asleep. "I missed you so much as well, it broke my heart to be away from you."

I focused on falling back to sleep, not expecting an answer, but I felt someone place a soft kiss on the top of my head. 

I lifted up my head to see Cook, smiling softly down at me, his head propped up on a pillow.

"That was cute, princess," he said with a smirk.

"Shit, you heard that?" I said, my whole face turning red.

"Yeah," he said, grinning. "It was sweet, I didn't want to interrupt. It's nice to know you care about me like that."

His voice took on an air of superiority, and he continued, "Oh course, I'm not sure I-"

"Shut the fuck up," I said gruffly, hitting him in the chest with my hand. 

He swept me up in his arms, so that he was spooning me, and said into my hair, "I love you so much, princess."

I grinned, and closed my eyes, basking in his warmth. 

My boy.


Cook and I strolled into form, hand in hand. The room went quiet as we entered, and I smirked, raising my lips to Cook's ear.

"They didn't expect this, did they?" I said, laughing. 

"They should've," he said back, kissing me deeply.

I broke away, and left him behind me with one final glance, walking towards where Katie sat.

"Katherine!" I said, excited to see her. 

She jumped up to give me a hug, and said, "Fuck you, but yes, babes, thank god you're back, I couldn't stand these fuckers without you. You're dating him again?" pointing at Cook as she said it. 

"Couldn't live without the shithead," I said with a grin, looking back at him as he greets Freddy and JJ. 

"And nobody else but you could live with 'im," she said under her breath, making me laugh.

As much as I hated Roundview, I was happy to be back. I genuinely missed everyone, with the exception of a few people.

"Shit, Ef," I said, spotting her standing next to Freddy as he talked to Cook.

"Viv, you're a bitch," she said, with a rare smile. 

I was about to walk over to hug her, when I spotted a familiar face walk in the door and make a beeline for Cook. 

"Cookie!" Pandora said gleefully, as she walked over to greet him.

He ignored her, and looked around the room for me. I caught his eye, and smiled as I walked towards them.

"Hi, Panda!" I said brightly, placing a hand on Cook's arm. Her eyes darted down to his arm, then back to me, her gaze suddenly unsure. 

"Hiya, Viv," she said, looking at me sympathetically. 

everything's fucked// james cookWhere stories live. Discover now