Chapter 12

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It was the time of the year that the students looked forward to the most- clinical rotations. The doctors-to-be were overjoyed at the prospect of working with actual patients in Harvard's many teaching hospitals. However, they did not realize that their duties would entail what was colloquially known as "bitchwork." Unqualified as doctors, they were the lowest on the totem pole and therefore saddled with countless menial tasks. They scoured patient charts researching the minute details of the disease process. Every patient admitted would require a physical exam, which had to be meticulously logged in to the electronic medical chart. It didn't take long for them to realize that they were paying thousands of dollars for the privilege of doing unskilled labor for no salary at all. They quickly learned that life on the bottom of the totem pole was cruel, especially when their lowly position was considered a privilege to possess.

Clinical rotations were to acquaint them with the major specialties of the healing art so they could choose the path they would ultimately follow. There was a broad spectrum of specialties ranging from Obstetrics to Neurology- even for those who inclined, Proctology.

The once more-or-less cohesive class was now fragmented into tiny groups to face the intimidating physicians that scrutinized their every move. Ally, Dinah, Camila and Lauren counted themselves as unlucky that they were assigned to Dr. Bailey, aptly known as the Nazi. Dr. Bailey was in her early thirties, shapely with smooth mahogany skin. She was petite in stature, but held her shoulders back to command the presence in the room. She was the head of the residency department, a dedicated surgeon that had every important connection within the medical system at Cambridge. Every student desired to impress her knowing that she would give a stellar recommendation after graduation.

Ally, Dinah and Lauren gave each other unsure glances, all buzzing with normal first day nerves. They wore their white coats, still creased from packaging, with 'Harvard Medical School' embroidered on the breast in crimson cursive. Camila stood there in her light green scrubs while she adjusted her white lab coat around her shoulders. Her demeanor emitted a calm determination. She excelled in the classroom so clinical rotations should be a piece of cake, she thought to herself.

"All right, let's begin," Dr. Bailey spoke. "This will be the team for the next three months. I'm sure you are aware that I have a reputation for being tough on my students."

Snickers and nervous chuckles rippled quietly through the group. "Stop giggling. You look like a bunch of incompetent schoolgirls. I will decide what is funny." Bailey scowled as she continued. "The rules are that we work together, work hard, and never go home until all the work is done. We will round at 5:00 am. We usually have about fifteen patients on the floor. Afterwards I will chose one of you to assist me in the Operating Room, based on your performance from rounds. As you all know, seeing the inside of the OR is a special treat. So it is imperative that you come prepared."

Dinah groaned beneath her breath as she nudged Lauren. "We'll never get to see the inside of the OR while Camila is in this group." Lauren nodded her head in agreement as she eyed the brown-eyed Latina to her left. Camila was the star student and for the first time they would have to compete against each other. Lauren was a competitive person, always has been. But Camila had outclassed the older one with her intelligence. The young woman began to wonder if striving to become a physician was too much for her. Lauren narrowed her eyes and focused on Dr. Bailey. You're just going to have to work ten times harder to prove yourself, thought to herself, like always.

"Okay, let's get started. Follow me." Dr. Bailey swiftly walked towards the Pediatric floor while the students struggled to keep up. "As we round, I will assess your knowledge in regards to the patient condition, possible diagnoses, and their assumed plan of care." Bailey turned right and rocketed down the hallway with her long white coat flying in the breeze.

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