Chapter 5

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Based on a psychologic study, a crush only lasts for a maximum of four months. If it exceeds that time frame, then you are already in love. Eight years ago, what was meant to be an innocent kiss grew into tangled feelings that Camila couldn’t even describe. All she knew was that a part of her heart belonged to Lauren. They had a special connection, uncomplicated, natural and rare. She knew that most people search their whole lives to find what they’ve already found.

Falling for Lauren came suddenly, she didn’t mean for it to happen. At first, Camila figured it was her looks. Her thick red locks and green eyes, and that when she smiled her whole face crinkled in a way that made Camila’s breath catch in her throat. But she assumed her infatuation wouldn’t last, that in time, as their friendship flourished, Lauren’s looks would be less arresting for the younger one. At the very least, she thought she’d develop immunity from her infectious smile. But no such luck. 

Her feelings advanced deeper - she understood Lauren on a level that most people never knew existed. Camila learned that Lauren’s eyes told stories that her mouth never uttered. Camila had memorized the different shades- they were a stormy shade of jade when she was angry. At other times they were a murky green, but that was generally when she was troubled about something. Then there were rare times when they sparked with what seemed a thousand tiny lights. They’d glittered like that when Camila did something silly to make her laugh. Oh how Camila wished that sparkle in her eyes could last forever. Lauren did a great job at convincing people that she was confident, self-assured. But the truth is the day that Christopher died, a part of Lauren went with him. She was wounded. She was broken. And all Camila wanted to do was put the pieces back together.

Camila walked out of the Harvard Admissions building and headed towards the corner of street. Her eyes found Lauren, who waited patiently by an oak tree. She occupied her time by kicking pebbles aimlessly, her expression both critical and dejected. Camila took a moment to admire Lauren’s profile, she was beautiful, with her long scarlet mane she allowed the wind to toss into tangles.

“Hey Laur” Camila said as she approached her friend. The older one continued her listless game of gravel soccer, hardly acknowledging Camila’s presence. Her sad, murky-green eyes locked with Camila’s for a moment before returning to the ground. With that one look, a rush of emotion assaulted Camila unlike anything she’s ever experienced- she wanted to hold her, protect her, bring back the shine in her eyes.

“Was it that brutal?” Camila said, leaning forward and taking Lauren’s hand into her own. She thumbed tiny circles into her palm.

Lauren shrugged her thin shoulders. She held herself so erect that it was easy to forget her tininess. But sometimes, like right now, it struck Camila just how fragile Lauren could seem.

“Come on.” Camila grabbed her around the elbow and Lauren softened like a rag doll, letting herself be dragged. They walked across the street to a local bar to take advantage of Happy Hour.

“So are you going to tell me how the interview went or do I have to drag it out of you?” Camila asked as they both occupied a place at the bar.

“I need four Tequila shots” Lauren shouted to the the bartender. Lauren turned back to Camila and touched her face with a gentleness that made the younger one’s breath catch. “Stop worrying. I’ll be fine,” she whispered, her face not believing her own words.

“If I don’t worry about you, who will?” Camila replied faintly, her heart fluttered at Lauren’s touch.

Lauren’s gaze softened. “Camz, this Harvard dream may not happen. I think Dr. Gardner decided that the moment he laid eyes on me. The first thing he said to me was “Lauren, you’re a pretty girl.” As if that was the only thing I could bring to the table.” She drew in a deep breath and said “I’m just a fucking joke to these people. I guess I’ll live vicariously through you.” With that, Lauren drank the first shot and fell in love with the potent liquid that dulled the pain of rejection.

“You are the most passionate and intelligent person I know. They would be stupid to turn you away,” Camila said earnestly. Lauren locked eyes with the younger one, the look in her green eyes was so devastating that Camila reached out, put her arm around Lauren, and drew her close. “We are a package deal, Laur. If they don’t accept you, we will find somewhere else to go,” Camila said faintly against her ear.

“But Harvard is your dream.” Lauren replied, feeling a clutch in her heart. Her eyes met Camila’s- never in her life had she met anyone with eyes so dark and expressive. Some days they were like cellophane and she could see her moods as clearly as the words in a book.

“No,” Camila said with a smile, “my dream is to do this with you. Like I said, we are a package deal.”

“You’re so amazing. It’s unreal,” Lauren said confidently, smiling for the first time that day. Lauren stared at Camila for a slight moment, realizing for the first time how long her hair had gotten. That day instead of braiding it to the side of her head the way she normally did, Camila left it free so that it fell in gentle waves around her shoulders.

 Camila raised her margarita glass for a toast. “To us. Bitches for life.” A small giggle escaped her lips as she took a sip, her face immediately winced. Lauren smiled knowing that the younger one was not a drinker and the mere smell of alcohol got her tipsy. They clinked glasses and drank.

And drank.

By her fourth round, Lauren was drunk. Lauren smiled and slinked lower into the chair.

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