Chapter 13

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Lauren stirred awake. She had fallen asleep on the couch while studying for Pharmacology. She fumbled for her phone and checked the time. For the shortest of moments she hoped for a few extra hours of sleep, but that thought lasted briefly. She actually loved being at the hospital. Lauren excelled in so many ways and every day was a new day to challenge herself. She'd gained the respect of her fellow classmates, something that she had never experienced. She stretched and padded barefoot to her bathroom. Lauren rushed through brushing teeth and hair, pulling on a pair of green scrubs and a starch white lab coat.

"Camz?" Lauren called out, walking down the hallway to her bedroom. There was no sound. She pushed open the door and flipped the light switch on. It was currently five am and Camila was the most difficult person to wake. It usually involved forty minutes of coaxing, pleading, and outrageous threats. She lay there sound asleep. Her legs hidden by a thick, dark-colored blanket but her feet were bare, sticking out from underneath.She walked in the sat beside her on the bed.

"Camzi," Lauren whispered softly near her ear. "Babe, its time to wake up," as she nudged the younger one. Her eyes fluttered open, and she gave Lauren a wry half smile.

"Five more minutes," Camila groaned as she snaked further into the pile of pillows, her black tresses scattered around her sleeping face. Her hair was mussed and weariness tugged at her mouth.Lauren crawled beside her in bed, gently placed her hands on Camila's hips and drew her close. Camila smiled faintly, her ankle drifting over Lauren's calf as she stirred.

"Hmmm, you're warm. I love it," Camila muttered with one eye open as she moved toward the older one, putting her cheek on Lauren's chest. Camila's right leg and arm clutched Lauren like a koala bear.

"Let's skip internship today," she breathed out heavily, and settled again into the crook of Lauren's neck. Lauren's lips curved into a smile as she ran her hand up Camila's leg and lightly tapped her butt.

"As tempting as that may sound, I've got a Cholecystectomy with my name all over it," she whispered, pulling Camila closer and kissing the top of her head. "Dr. Bailey will be pissed if I'm not there for it. I've been prepping all week," she said, as she rolled onto her side and propped herself up on one elbow. Her wide doe eyes swung to Lauren.

"But... but we haven't spent anytime together lately. I miss you," Camila whimpered and pulled closer until their lips were almost touching. Her skin looked so soft and smooth. Lauren couldn't resist grazing her fingers across the younger one's skin.

Camila was right. Lately, time was a limited and precious commodity. Medical school was all-consuming. Like many of their classmates, they'd both spent nearly every waking hour of the last couple weeks outlining class notes and textbooks, taking practice exams, staring bleary-eyed at clinical case studies into the wee hours of the night, and meeting with study groups—all in preparation for tests that would help determine the course of their future in medicine. The past two months had gone by quickly and they never really spent any quality time together, just shared very few meals and short make-out sessions in their entirety. The idea of dating was a beautiful thing but the reality was that they were students at the most challenging university in the country. In order to excel, they needed to focus and invest in their studies. Sometimes that put a strain between them but the girls were more than determined to make things work.

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