chapter : 4 ( withdrawal from group )

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Lui Haihan has lot to do this month before start of apocalypse, first he need a clean break with his gang. Except for his friend Zhang Yong, who never left him in his previous life others only bring him trouble.

He went to mobile shop and ordered phone and cover according to his previous one. Looking at the fake stone he smirked. He want to see how Bai lian will get powerful in this life. He would not touch her before apocalypse but the same could not be said later.

He called for a gang meet. Normally gang meet will be held once a month to discuss about any big deals and important issues. Seeing all the faces of his gang members he didn't feel anything. In the face of apocalypse many things will be changed, only strong gets respected. This time he is reluctant to take over this burden.

Seeing Bai lian sitting in an inconspicuous corner, he smirked. May be she only got transmigrated here and still new in the group. He still remember her being in accident two months before apocalypse and losing memory. He will now see how she will adapt without him.

Seeing that all people came he announced his withdrawal from group.

" we have been a family for so many years, though I am withdrawing from group  and gives up my position as captain, I always wish for good of group members."

After he finished his speech, he looked at the dumbfolded expression of his group members, as though they have never thought of this possibility. From side he could see light in Bai Liang's eyes,  he inwardly felt amused. May be this is how she felt in last life as she played with him and his family.

Placing his phone on table he waited for their answer. As he expected most opposed his withdrawal, may be they are panicking that I will take away collective money. But he has be well prepared for all. Taking out his cancer diagnosis report he started taking about how he want to spend his last days with his family and he would not take a cent out of collective money and it would be left to remaining group members.

Looking at the shocked and pitying expressions he laughed inwardly. He know that most of them must be sighing with relief  inwardly. At last all came to him one by one and told their well wishes and some empty caring words. After meeting he looked at table, sure enough he could find his phone but without its case.

Picking it up he moved out followed by Zong Yong, like in last life Zong Yong followed him even if it meant withdrawal from group. They have been brothers from young age and relied on each other  during hardships.

" Zong Yong we are moving to capital " said Lui Haihan. Seeing his determined expression Zong Yong raised his brows, but he nodded wherever his bro went he would follow, he has been determined to follow Lui Haihan since childhood when he has been saved from hunger by the later.

Now he will go to capital he can't go against Bai Lian now. Though he has broken his ruby there are many powerful things with Bai Lian during apocalypse, he don't know if he can get rid of her at one stroke.

There are many things she has in apocalypse, maybe there are other golden fingers. She has fresh supply of fruits and her improved physique, which doesn't seem normal. Even in his last life she never told him how she gained these things, so he couldn't underestimate her now. For now he will leave her alone.

Now he need a big ally who can protect him and his family. Thinking about reliable people he thought about Lin Feng. Like Gu family, Lin family is one of top rich families in A city. These both families compete in business world though Gu family is way on higher step than Lin family.

Likewise Gu Cheng and Lin Feng are both compared from childhood in their studies, looks, talent. Gu Cheng looks like a cold man typical of CEO of novels whereas Lin Feng looks like a typical play boy. Though he may not appear reliable Lui Haihan appreciates Lin Feng's talent.

When Lin Feng entered business his family Lin Corp's is in its low position, he used his talent to rise the company's level bringing it to same level as Gu family. These both are seniors to his sister Lui Ying and he was acquainted with both of them.

During apocalypse in his past life when he and his sister are having a hardtime after they left his gang, Lin Feng invited both of them to join his team. In that time information about his sister having healing ability began to spread, though he is grateful for his help he didn't want to burden Lin Feng with his problems. Lin Feng doesn't belong to a big team to begin with if they tried to help him all that awaits will be a tragedy, so simply declained.

Later he heard about Lin Feng's death, but didn't think anything about it he only felt it's a pity. How may died everyday, death became common occurrence thus he tossed it to the back of his mind and continued running away from his pursuers with his sister.

If it really is a novel world Lin Feng cannot be a random passerby. He is acquainted with both his sister and Gu cheng but he cannot put him under a role. He neither pursued his sister nor did he have an immense enimity toward Gu Cheng.

Putting his suspicions aside he thought Lin Feng is perfect partner for cooperation, maybe because of his kind help in past life or his perfect reputation he decided Lin Feng to be a suitable candidate.

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