May I Hold That For You?

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*Your POV*

I walk over to the picture on my wall, pressing my hand to the picture of Me, Sayori, and Laramore. My wife... My son... Frozen in time forever. I wipe away my tears, and sit back down, knowing in a few minutes this sadness would all fall away when faced with the power of the system. I click quit. A black screen. "This is better for everyone."

"Lies." I say to the screen, remembering Natsuki spying, Yuri attacking, and Monika cheating. Then a new set of text. "You may not believe it now, but there is a plan. I only have this short time to write this, but please believe it will work out... in the end." -Monika

Monika. Of course. You just couldn't help yourself, could you? I sigh as the world around me forms, and I am standing on the same spot as before, a pink screen in front of me, a gold cinnabun next to Sayori's name in the list. WHO DO YOU LOVE? I think for a few moments, raindrops suspended in midair, the same weather as when I had been ejected from the system, and touch Yuri's name. The rain is poring, my only protection a flimsy raincoat. I turn, and there's Sayori, rushing to me with an umbrella. Tears fill my eyes as I look at my wife's drop dead gorgeous smile, but before she reaches you, the feeling is gone, and my childhood friend is with me, an umbrella over the two of us.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

"Thanks, Sayori," I say giving her a one armed hug, feeling very happy to have Sayori as my friend, "Hey, you're in the Literature Club, right?" She nods, munching a pastry as she walks, "Can I join?" She whips around so fast water flies from the umbrella, and wraps me in a hug.

"THIS IS SO EXCITING!! WE HAVEN'T HAD A NEW MEMBER IN SO LONG!!!" She grabs my arm, and drags me off to school to meet the other members. We reach the courtyard, and see two girls conversing quietly. One you recognize as Monika, brown hair sopping wet, the other with pink hair, just as soaked.

"Hello, Sayori. Hello, (Y/N). I didn't know you two knew each other." Monika greets us with a smile, the pink haired girl glaring at me. Sayori, oblivious to the short girl, smiled and said, shaking my arm so hard I was sure it would fall off.

"HE'S OUR CLUB'S NEWEST MEMBER!!! THIS IS MONIKA AND NATSUKI!!" Natsuki glares at me as I offer my hand and I back off quickly. Monika points her finger at a girl across the courtyard, to a purple haired girl, reading under her umbrella, but having difficulty keeping it straight.

"That's Yuri. She's also in the club, but we don't know much about her. She mostly keeps to herself. You can try to talk to her if you want." I nod, and walk through the rain to Yuri, who is still having trouble with the umbrella, and snag it out of her hands, holding it above us as I take a seat. She jumps about a foot in the air, and I catch her book before it hits the ground.

"May I hold that for you?" Yuri blushes lightly and nods, taking the book back from me, and opening the book with the White Tree cover. She was part way through it, and you decided to read over her shoulder.

"Samurand let out a high scream and Laramore turned on instinct to the woman he had followed for years. Immediately, Dante lifted his sword, tip against his ribs. 'Don't make me do this.' Laramore smiled, and leaned into the blade. Dante's wrist twitched, and he closed his eyes and plunged the blade into Laramore's chest. The hilt fell from his hand as Laramore fell to his knees. 'May I make one request?' Dante nodded, holding up his old mentor. 'My gravestone. Make sure it tells me as I was. He died snatching the queen out of the jaws of the dragon.' Dante nodded again. 'Anything.' "

The bell rang and we both jumped. Yuri closed her book and I realized I had seen her before. She sat near me in four of my classes. We run to class together under the umbrella. I walk into the classroom, and hand Yuri her umbrella, and she smiles. We both mutter apologies to the teacher and take our seats. I see her long sheet of hair hanging over her chair, and I realized Sayori had worn my coat the other day, because there were a zillion different hair ties. I tap her shoulder, holding a few hair ties, and make a braiding motion. I felt a deep want to hold her silky hair in my hands, and she nods quickly with a deep blush. I take up three equal parts of her silky hair and begin to braid, not taking in a word the teacher was saying. About three minutes before the bell, I finish the immensely long braid, and tie it off with three hair ties. The bell rings and we both stand, blushing. Yuri smiles at the long braid behind her, and we walk under her umbrella to our next class, where we discover the seating had changed to table groups. The other two in our group were out sick, and we sat next to each other. The teacher had us do a Reading STAR test, and we both finish quickly. We were told to read, and I write note as we were not allowed to talk.

"Do you want to read together again? " Yuri once again blushes and nods, opening the book. She had seemingly read a little while I had been braiding her hair, and I read, not caring, as I had read The Cycle Of Arawn: The White Tree about a zillion times already, but still love it. Before she could open the book, there was a bang, and one of the faucets in our corner explodes, bits of plastic miraculously hitting no one. It seemed that the pipes had frozen, the water in the faucet expanding, causing it to explode. I grab the umbrella, and hold it open in front of Yuri, protecting her and the book from getting wet. The rest of the class yells as they, and their chromebooks, are soaked. Yuri is clutching the back of my shirt as I back away from the others, still shielding Yuri and The Cycle. We leave the room ahead of the class and I hold the umbrella over Yuri's head.

"Thank you for keeping me dry. This is one of my new books and I would hate for it to get wet. Have you read it before?" I nod.

"Laramore was probably my favorite character. Him, and Cali. Theyre funny guys. I've read that series a zillion times, but I still love it." I lower my voice as we enter the Library, the rest of the class not far behind. "May I read with you?" I ask as she sits on one of the cushy couches. Yuri blushes and nods. I take my seat next to her, and, to my surprise, she leans her head on my shoulder as she opens her book. I don't read this time, instead opting to gaze at her face, at the purple hair I had brought together into a long braid, her purple eyes looking back and forth at the lines on the page, not knowing a heat was building in my cheeks in time with the all too familiar feeling of having an overwhelming crush. I reach into my bag and bring out a chocolate bar, and break off a small piece, bringing it to her lips, which open seemingly automatically to accept the offering. Yuri blinks in surprise at the small piece of chocolate sticking out of her mouth slightly. She blushes red, and sucks in the rest of the shard, glancing at me, and starts to close her book, and I stop her from losing her place, and set her bookmark in the page. I then allow the book to close, and Yuri just sighs and lays her head fully on my shoulder, closing her eyes. We barely met, and it seems she likes me. I hear her breathing change, and realize she is asleep. I lean my head upon hers, and also drift to sleep. 

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