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*(Y/N)'s POV*

My eyes open as I hear deep, ragged gasps, groaning. I sit up straight, suddenly wide awake. Yuri is sitting up in bed, a knife in the wall opposite, as though she had thrown it there. She appears not to notice me, a new knife appears in her hand, and instead of aiming for her arm, she is aiming for her stomach, intent on spilling her own guts. I lunge across the room in a single bound, grasping the knife by the blade, my skin slicing open, but I don't care as I force the blade away from her, my other arm around her body. Blood flows freely from my hand onto the white sheets as Yuri's grip slackens on the blade. I walk from her, knife still in hand, and yank the other one from the wall. I lay the unused one on the counter of the bathroom sink, and the other in the sink. I start to wash my wound, and a shaky Yuri appears with medical equipment. The cuts aren't very deep, but hurt all the more to make up for it. She dabs an ointment at the wound and it stings. She wraps my hand in a gauze, and holds my hand for a second, shaking.

"I'm so sorry... I was trying so hard to not... and it overwhelmed me." A twingle between the floor and her face. Yuri is crying. I pull her to me with my unhurt hand, wrapping her in a hug. She hiccups, surprised.

"If you feel the urge to cut again, you come wake me up, OK? You still feel it?" Yuri nods, looking at the ground. I hold her to me, rocking us side to side, waiting for her breathing to slow more. I lead her slowly back to her bed, avoiding the trail of my blood. She lays down, and I get in next to her. "You feel the urge, you shake me, 'kay?" Yuri is blushing furiously, a deep red suffusing her face. She settles herself in bed, head against my chest. She deeply inhales, and her breathing slows further. This happens several times until she is clearly asleep. I hold her to me and realize that I would do anything to keep her safe. With that thought, I fall asleep.

No More Cuts  (Yuri X Male Reader) #2Where stories live. Discover now