The Doki Doki Sleepover

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WARNING! Intense alcohol and much sexual content.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

It's been just over a week since Yuri finished moving out of her old home, and her settling in was very quick.

"I can't take the bed. I'll sleep on the sofa." Yuri said for the hundredth time. "You're my host. It's rude."

"Yes, but I'm your host, so I get to make you more comfortable than me if need be, and also, my house my rules." God, I've always wanted to say that.

"You could just get another bed, (Y/N)." Says a very familiar voice. I turn to see Sayori, keys jingling, a pastry in hand. "But I suppose you two could just sleep together, from what my sources tell me." Yuri blushes and babbles, and I smile wryly. Sayori chuckles, and Yuri takes my hand, a blush suffusing her entire face. Sayori's grin seems very forced all of a sudden, and I take her aside for a moment.

"I know something's wrong. I've known you long enough to know. What's wrong?"

Sayori suddenly scowls. "I just came out as Bi to my parents, and they decided I need therapy sessions to 'help fix me.' " My eyes go wide and I pull out my phone, dialing Sayori's parent's home phone.


"Hello, (Y/N)!" Sayori's mother answers the phone, and I get straight into the meat of the issue in a subtle way.

"Is being different a bad thing?" Sayori's mom hmms for a moment.

"No, being different isn't a bad thing."

"If someone was different from you, you wouldn't say, 'You aren't like me, so you need to be fixed'?"

"Well, no." She sounds a little offended at this.

"Then why did you tell Sayori that being herself needs to be fixed?" There is a sharp intake of breath.

"I should have known she'd go to you. Well, it's no concern of yours how we parent." I shout into the receiver,

"IT'S NOT A BAD THING TO BE YOURSELF!" Then ĥ̵̢̥̼̘̘̮̝̤͇̝̤̤̘̗̰̞̘͚̞͙̈́̽̈́̓̀̔̎̒̆̂͒̒̍͑̔͌̃̒͒͠͝a̴̡̡̨̬͔̖̘̞̺̞̠͉̦̬̜̼̰̘̯͙͊̾̿̀̑̈́̄̆͘ń̶̢̛̦̦̙̱̺̝̰̲̲͕̦͓̗̗͖̳̱̪͎̂͂ͅg̷̨̛̹̱̱͓̣̲̼̺̭̱͚̺̘͂͋̀̓̈́̅̎͒̃̋̆ͅ up. I walk back into the other room to see Sayori happily chattering to Yuri about her most recent poem on the couch I have been occupying each night since she had been ejected from her home and sold almost everything she had owned, particularly her knives. Nothing ever seems to faze Sayori for long. I admire that about her. I decide to go the whole hog, and invite the other two members of the club to a dinner party, with an optional sleepover. Both girls responded affirmative to both, as does Sayori. I hear a knock on the door after only a few minutes, and in comes Monika and Natsuki, the latter sporting a nearly invisible limp. They smile, and sit on the plush rug on the floor, and Yuri, Sayori, and I join them. It's about five in the evening, and we all chatter back and forth for a good hour, talking about school and books. About half an hour in, Yuri moves from next to me, moves my legs, and lays back, resting on my chest, causing the others to ooh and aah, commenting about how cute we are together. Then, at the end of an hour, Natsuki says the fateful words, a grin plastered on her face.

"Who wants to play truth or dare?" Yuri blinks, flushes, and nods. I nod as well, as do the others. "I'll start then," Natsuki says, an evil grin plastered to her face, "(Y/N), Truth or dare?"

"Truth." Her evil grin widens visibly.

"Have you and Yuri had sex yet?" Yuri, who was taking a sip of tea, choked, coughing as I thump her back. I scowl at Natsuki.

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