After Therapy

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*(Y/N)'s POV*

It's been about five weeks since the party, and Yuri and I have become much more relaxed around each other. We have since begun sleeping together every night. We only need one pillow, as whoever has the pillow is used as a pillow by the other. At the moment, I'm waiting in the car for Yuri in a parking lot. She is in with a psychiatrist. She's gone three times, and seems to be getting better. She had only felt the urge twice since the party, and turned to me to give her a fierce loving, after which she would be too worn out to do anything at all, much less take a blade to her arm. The biggest surprise is that the psychiatrist encourages the continuing of this practice. He says that intense experiences help purge the system of the dark thoughts. And so far he had been right. She's happier, and all seems to be going well. The only odd thing is that Sayori lost her key to my house, and odd doors seemed to be open, without either of us opening them. I snap out of my thoughts as Yuri's purple head bounces happily out the door, and flings herself into the car, placing a soft kiss to my cheek, and I smile. I pull out of the driveway, and we head out. As we drive, I ask,

"How did it go, Darling?"

"It went great! He says the issues aren't intensely rooted, and we should continue as we have been. He's scheduled for two weeks from now." I smile. As much as she was happy with the results, I still don't trust the psychiatrist. I had heard bad things about him from Sayori, who goes to him twice a week for her depression, that he seemed to make very subtle sexual advances, but she wasn't sure. We pull into the driveway, and we hit the couch, Yuri laying her head on my lap. I turn on the television, and we watch 'Doctor Strange'. After that, I switch to the news, and Yuri gasps. The psychiatrist was on the news, being forced by men in SWAT uniforms into an armoured car. The scrolling headline read,

"Local psychiatrist arrested for raping patient." I turn my head to Yuri.

"Did he... To you...?" She answered quickly,

"NO! No, he was very kind, never at all sexual. Let's listen." Ted McGuffin is on the tv, and he begins to speak.

"Local psychiatrist was discovered having sex after a scream was heard from his office during a session. The patient in question was nine years old." Yuri nearly screams. "He confesses to tampering with her mother's drink, in order to keep her from knowing. She wisely did not drink her tea, believing something fishy was going on, and heard her daughter's scream, and looked through the peephole, seeing her daughter, violently being raped. She immediately called 9-1-1, and a SWAT team was sent to end the session. Unfortunately, Dr. James was able to finish before the team arrived. Please keep this young lady and her family in your thoughts and prayers tonight. Now, over to Jim McGuffin for the weather." I turn off the television. Yuri is clutching me tightly, and I pet her hair slowly, tears pouring from both of our eyes.

"I wish he had gone for me... I could have stopped him... That poor girl... I saw her... I saw her as I was leaving... I could have-"

"You couldn't have stopped it. You had no idea. W-we should go see the girl's mother... See what we can do. There's a contact list in their system that Monika can grab easily enough. You know how she is."

"Y-yeah... I... I just need to be like this for a bit." I lean back, holding her, gently rocking her side to side, my face pressed into her purple hair, crying. The next day, Monika sends me a text, with the address of the woman. We walk to school, and the day goes by in a blur. Yuri and I walk into the Literature Club, and we see the other four members, for Xavier had joined to be with Natsuki more, all have red, bloodshot eyes. Natsuki speaks first.

"I m-made her s-some cupcakes, a-a-and Sayori and M-monika made her c-c-cinnamon rolls. We thought w-we'd go to her house to give her our gifts." Yuri sniffles, and holds out a box.

"W-we made her cookies. Seems w-we all had the same idea. D-do we want to go now? A-as a group?" We all nod. We wouldn't be able to read anyway. We all pack into our respective cars, and Monika leads the way. We all pull alongside the street outside a blue house, surrounded by a loose border of police officers. They frisk all of us, and check what we're carrying before allowing us to pass. I knock on the front door. After a moment, a woman appears in the door, scowling. Before any of us could speak, she blurts out sharply,

"Are you here with useless words as well? Like the other twenty before you?" Yuri steps forward, and the woman tenses, as though expecting attack.

"We are here with useless words. You're right. But we came with a bit more." She holds out the box of cookies she and I had made. Sayori holds out hers, and Natsuki holds out her own. "It's not much, but we thought she might like something sweet." The girl's mother waves her hand to herself, and walks inside. We follow her, and see the little girl, wrapped in blankets, lying on the couch, crying, rocking back and forth. Natsuki gets on her knees, down to the little girl's eye level, and takes out a cat decorated cupcake. She inches closer, and sets down the cupcake. Then, to our surprise, she meows. The girl's eyes flashes to it, and gently, she meows back. She peels the wrapper back, and takes a nibble of the fluffy pink sponge cake. Her lips curl in a smile, and takes another, much larger bite. The rest of us sit around her, under her mother's eye, and present our other gifts. Within minutes, she has a big goofy smile on her face, and is playing animatedly with Natsuki, a cookie in one hand, a bun in the other. The rest of us are laughing, Xavier and I standing the farthest back. The mother laughs as the little girl chomps on cookies, and bites into buns, a big grin across her sugar covered lips. Yuri extracts herself from the proceedings, and stands with me as Natsuki and Sayori inquire with mock seriousness which is better, holding an invisible microphone to her.

"I can't decide!" She giggles. She keeps giggling and they keep playing until Natsuki gets a text, and says that we have to go. The little girl, whose name turns out to be Jenna, pouts and gives each of us a hug, even Xavier and I, finishing with Natsuki, who meows at Jenna, who meows back. Her mother gives us all a hug.

"Thank you. You've been such a help. She hadn't moved since we got home. Not to eat, not to pee, nothing, so thank you. You are always welcome with us." We all nod and give voice to our thanks to her. Jenna waves goodbye as we begin to drive, and I wave back, as does Yuri. We reach home, and realize we have been with Jenna for nearly four hours. We head up to bed, and I lay back on the pillow, Yuri's head against my chest.

"We did good." She says softly, looking into my eyes.

"Yeah," I say, smiling. "We did good."

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