Bonfire at Midnight.

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"Spill the beans, please? Come on Shay, you promised." Clara kept pestering me about the news I was planning on telling her on the way to the beach. 

"Okay fine! So we were dancing, then it was a slow song, he got a little too close, if you know what I mean... Then I went to the toilets to wash up, then I walked back out to see him kissing Juliette, so I broke it off with him and slapped him twice hard on the face." I told her quickly. 

"You slapped him? Great job! Sorry, but we all knew it was coming. Now you can finally be with Harry!" She squealed. 

"No, not going to happen. Never." I said. 

"Let me record that, so on your wedding day I can play it!" She got out her phone when we parked, then she pressed record and urged me to repeat my words. Was she serious? 

"I will never, under any circumstances, EVER date, or marry Harry Styles." I said. She stopped the recording, and started smiling to herself looking like a stalker of some sort, but that's just what she does sometimes. We got out of the car, then I saw pretty much the whole school was there. Some people were in the water, some playing sports, some playing their guitars they brought and singing around the bonfire, then lastly, people were snogging. It disgusted me to see Riley snogging a girl from English class. 

Clara went to go dance with her friend, but I told her I'd be right back. I started to walk along the beach, passing all of my schoolmates, ducking from footballs and frisbees, then I stopped at a giant boulder. I climbed it, then sat with my legs dangling over the edge. 

"Hey Matthews, what're you doing up there?" Harry called from below, slightly laughing. 

"Oh nothing, just watching some soap operas up here." I replied sarcastically. 

"Is anything else good on the telly?" He laughed. 

"Well, there's this one show about a girl who just got cheated on, and some annoying idiot won't leave her alone." I said, pretty much describing me (obviously). 

"Really? Well, I bet that annoying guy is pretty hot. Why are you up there though?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. 

"I hope you do realize that if you fall, you could possibly break your head?" He quirked an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes, but climbed down anyway. 

"Happy now?" I asked. 

"Much happier now that I don't have to yell all the way up to you." He smirked. 

"Shut up. Why are you here anyway? The party is that way." I pointed towards the people swimming in the ocean, partying to the fast music, or watching the stars and moon. 

"All these weird people like Juliette keep coming up to me and asking me to slow dance with them. It's quite creepy, actually." He laughed. 

"Really? I never thought you would've said that." I said, smiling. 

"Well, it's true. Wouldn't you think it's creepy if any guy would want to come up and slow dance with you randomly?" He asked. 

"I think I'd just be more embarrassed, I don't know how to dance." I mumbled. 

"Well, I just happen to be a fantastic teacher. Get the hint?" He winked at me and nudged me with his elbow. 

"Fine, teach away Styles." I said. 

"Ah, ah, ah, that's Professor Styles to you, young lady." He smirked. 

"I'm only two months younger than you, I'm not young." I retorted. 

"So you like me so much that you felt like finding out my birthday? I never knew you felt that way about me." He winked again. 

"No, it's because from 5th-9th grade, it was posted everywhere in the hallways at school, and everyone just had to talk about it." I rolled my eyes. That seemed to be a ritual, I always rolled my eues around him. 

"Enough talking, Ms. Matthews, time to learn how to dance. First, put your hand on my shoulder..." He started. 

"Eww! There's probably diseases on that shoulder!" I complained. 

"This is going to take a while... Just follow my lead." He turned a slow song on his iPhone, then he started to help me dance. I stepped on his feet a few times, but it actually went pretty well. I actually laughed at things he said, but not in the way of making fun of it. It was actually pretty nice not arguing for once. While we were slow dancing, right under the moonlight, then I saw three sneaky heads watch us from behind the boulder. I looked at them, but they just gave me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes at my idiotic best friends, but I didn't stop dancing. Soon, the song was over, and I backed away from Harry. 

"Um, thanks, for the um, the dance lesson." I stuttered. 

"Did I seriously just make THE Shayna Matthews stutter? I was right, I am amazayn." He smirked to himself. 

"Amazayn?" I asked. 

"Yeah, me and the boys made up little words for each other. Zayn is amazayn, Liam is brilliam, Niall is phenominiall, Lou is fabulouis, and I'm extraordinharry." He smiled at the nicknames. 

"I think I like that." I laughed with him, before his phone rang. 

"Hello?... Mum?... Yes, I'll come home soon, I just.... Okay, yeah I love you too. Bye." He muttered as softly as possible, before hanging up. 

"Aww, Harry loves his Mummy!" I cooed, pinching his cheek. He swatted my hand away and frowned, but it was replaced with a smirk. 

"So I'll see you at Lou's party?" He asked. 

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." I replied. 

"Great, see you in two weeks then, love." He winked at me, then he ran off back to his car. 

"You can come out now." I said to Aubrey, Clara, and Louis behind the boulder. They came out one by one, all smiling. 

"So, how was that dance, NaNa?" Louis winked at me suggestively. 

"Shut up Lou." I mumbled. 

"Oh my god at Lou's party it's going to be New Year's Eve!" Clara exclaimed. 

"And?" I asked, expressionless. 

"A certain someone might be able to get together with another certain someone" Aubrey nudged me. 

"If you all keep saying that, I might just punch you all in the face."

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