Heading to America.

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So, it's finally the time. I'm finally going to New York! Clara and Aubrey already said their goodbyes, and so did Mum and James. Mum was crying so hard, even though I would just be gone for two weeks. After she finished her crying fest, Louis popped up at my door. He came inside, then took the Lucky Charms cereal I was about to eat. 

"Ready to go?" He asked with a mouthful of my cereal. 

"You took my cereal, meanie. And yes, I am ready. Come on." I said grumpily, as he finished the last little marshmallow charm. 

"I'll buy you something at the airport, okay?" He said, then putting the cereal bowl into the sink. He took my suitcase outside, then out to his car. I hopped into the front seat, then we started singing really loudly and badly all the way to the airport. Once we got there, I saw the whole class waiting for us. The people going on the trip were Louis, Harry, Zayn, Liam, Niall, Lianna, my friends Phoebe and Alexa, Juliette and her best friend Elise, then five other people, plus the most fabulouis(see what I did there?) me! Louis and I got out of the car, then joined everyone else and Mr. Simmons by the luggage area. 

"Okay, now let's take attendance!" He said. 

"Is One Direction here?" He asked. Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam all chorused 'here'. 

"One Direction?" I whispered to Louis. He shrugged. 

"Harry made it up." He whispered back. 

"Phoebe Heron?" 


"Alexa Renslow?" 

"I am here, your life has gotten better." 

"Juliette, Elise, I see you... Okay... Um... Shayna Matthews?" 

"I'm here, no need to call the fuzz." I said, waving my hand up so he would see me. 

"Okay. I see everyone else... JEREMIAH STOP CHECKING OUT THOSE GIRLS THEY ARE WAY OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE!" Mr. Simmons yelled to a boy in my class named Jeremiah. 

"Does everybody have their tickets?" He yelled out to us. 

"Yes Mr. Simmons." Everybody said in response. He led us through security, then we made it to the plane boarding area with five minutes to spare. We just sorta sat there, until the woman on the loud speaker told us it was time to board. On the plane, I sat in the window seat, with Louis in the middle, and Harry in the isle seat. Again, their bromance is too cute! 

Zayn, Liam, and Niall sat behind us, and I wanted to stay wide awake just in case they tried anything... Phoebe, Alexa, and Lianna sat in front of us, then Juliette and Elise sat on the right and left of Jeremiah, in the center row of the plane. Everyone else sat close by, we were all in first class. 

"Flight 5234 to New York City will be taking off shortly." The announcements started. It was really boring, but eventually the plane started to move, and soon we were up in the air, soaring smoothly. I waited and waited, then they finally said I could use electronics. I immediately took out my laptop, and started a Facechat with Clara and Aubrey. 

"O-M-G Shay I can't believe you're going to New York! I'm officially jealous." Clara said as soon as she came onto my screen. 

"Yeah, it's pretty chicken oriental here." I said. That's what Louis and I say for 'that's so cool'. Don't like it? Too bad. 

"Well, give us a look." Aubrey urged. I picked up my laptop, and slowly moved it around to see everyone. 

"Wait! Is that Jeremiah? Wow. So he gets to go but we don't? So unfair. Hi to you too, boys." Clara said. I brought the laptop down to my level again. 

"Who did you wave to?" I asked. 

"The ones behind you. Wait, turn the laptop to Lou. He's more interesting than you." Aubrey said, referring to 3/5 of 'One Direction'. That could catch on fast. 

I turned the laptop over to Louis, so he could have a chat with his girlyfriend. YES, I just said girlyfriend. Since I no longer had a laptop, I put my headphones into my ears and started listening to music. The wall of the plane actually got quite comfortable, and I found myself falling asleep, even though I promised not to, while still listening to my favorite All Time Low songs.

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