Chapter 14

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Taking a gasping breath, Justice sat up in the bed. With wide wild eyes she looked over to the crib, her ocular enhancements easily ripping through the darkness of the room until her gaze settled on Larsa's sleeping form. A relief so great flooded through her chest, Justice nearly let out a tiny moan of pain. The dream had been so real. An image of Luke's cruel smile played in her mind like a fading echo. He had somehow snatched Larsa from her, he had threatened Justice for her sister's whereabouts while holding and hurting Larsa. Her child's screams her mind had conjured were agonizingly real. Unable to sit still any longer Justice got up from the bed and quietly left the room.

Her bare feet didn't make a sound as she took the floating staircase down to the darkened living room. Stopping in the great empty space, Justice looked out the window at the rain sliding down the sloping glass. Leaves on the trees outside the window bounced in continuous rhythm under the falling rain. Walking closer Justice leaned her head against the cool glass and looked down at the stream below entranced how the steady rain pitted and rippled the water's surface.

The atmosphere of the room around her changed and she knew without looking she was no longer alone. Looking up at the reflection in the glass she felt some of her lingering anxiety fade as she caught the pair of sun-bright eyes glowing within the darkness. Turning around she looked at Jarak and a different sort of anxiety began to fill her chest.

Standing at the bottom of the stairs facing her Jarak wore nothing but a criminally small loincloth. Justice's lips felt suddenly dry. Eight feet of rock-solid muscle, Jarak stood there practically naked.

Stepping closer to her, Jarak lifted one clawed hand and gestured towards her. "I can hear your heartrate. I know something worries you."

The only thing worrying her now was the fear she may accidently see his no doubt giant dick, she thought in a panic as he took yet another step closer, her eyes mutinously traveling to his muscular thighs.

"I..." she paused licking her lips and doing her best to maintain focus on his eyes and not let her eyes drift downward. "I had a nightmare," she explained, feeling instantly like a child. "It was seeing Luke's name I made me think of him. Of him hurting Larsa for my sisters' location. But he's dead and I'm just worrying for nothing," she forced out a dry laugh as she stepped towards him.

She was acutely aware she was only wearing panties and a t-shirt. Underneath her shirt, her nipples felt stiff and tender as they slid back and forth across the fabric with each movement.

With a silent turn of his head, Jarak tracked her as she carefully skirted him and made for the stairs.

Justice wanted to turn and snipe at him for staring at her so intently. With every second his primal gaze lingered on her like this in this shadowy quiet room, her pulse increased. It was that damn loincloth; it was not helping the matter whatsoever. Starting up the stairs, she had every intention of calling out a hasty goodnight at her door before closing it promptly behind her.

"Justice," the deep growl of her name stopped her in place. Had he ever called her by her name before? She wasn't sure.

Turning on the stairs, she looked down at him.

Looking up at her, Jarak eyes narrowed. "Do you still fear me?"

If this was later in the day when she wasn't feeling so exposed and self-conscious of the big beast in front of her, she would have argued him on that point, but she was too affected by the quiet intimacy surrounding them and could not bring herself to respond with her usual wit.

"No," she replied softly.

Moonlight from the large slanted windows shined across Jarak's body as he moved a step closer to the stairs and Justice could clearly see the rippling stack of his tightly packed abominable muscles.

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