Heaven is a Place on Earth

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"Hey, loser! Did you do the anatomy homework?" The dark haired jock asked.

"No, I don't take anatomy" he responded "I take physics"

The jock crinkled his eyebrows and glared down at the boy sitting in his seat "you better do it, or I'll repeat yesterday's fun" he threatened and slammed the worksheet down onto his desk.

Michael looked at the worksheet. no! No you can't keep pushing me around Calum! He thought to himself but instead "yeah sure I'll have it done by lunch" broke through.

Calum nodded in approval and walked away. Before leaving the room he waved to someone on the opposite end.

"Who's that?" Michael heard a girl ask.

Calum Hood, the biggest jerk to ever walk the earth. He replied in his head.

"Calum Hood, the super hot jock that every girl in school wants to date!" The other girl replied "but you should know that already"

"No, no him" she said.

The girl laughed "him? Why do you want to know who he is? He's no one. He's some weird punk kid that's good at science"

"Well I think he's cute"

"You what?"

"I'm going to talk to him" the one girl said.

"No! No he's not in your social class" the other girl said grabbing her arm.

"Really Meg? Social class? It's high school, we are all just teenage dirtbags trying to fit in" she said making her way over to Michael.

He heard the click of boots getting closer and the smell of sweet pea perfume getting stronger. Oh my god, oh my god. What do I do? This never happens! Oh my god does my hair look okay? Oh my god that was a lame question. He panicked.

"Hi" she smiled.

He looked up. But he thought he looked up too far because he was staring at an angel "hey" he managed to say.

"I'm Delilah" she said.

"Well, hey there Delilah oh tonight you look so pretty..." Michael stopped and closed his eyes in embarrassment. Maybe no one heard that? Maybe if I close my eyes they will all go away.

She laughed "you're sweet"

He opened his eyes. Her cheeks were pink with blush and her mouth was wide in a smile.

"Me?" He asked.

"Yes you silly, what's your name?"


She smiled "I like that name" and played with her hair.

"Thanks, I like your name. It's exotic" exotic? Really?

She giggled. It was a cute small girl giggle. It reminded him of his friend Ashton's laugh but cuter.

"hey why do you have the anatomy homework?" Delilah asked realizing the sheet on his desk "and why is Calum Hoods name on it?"

"Well Calum doesn't really get anatomy and I think its kinda simple so I just do his homework for him"

"What?" She asked in an upset tone "That jerk! You should really say no next time" she advised him.

"Yeah well it's either yes or get beat up after school so I tend to chose yes" he slumped down in his seat.

She frowned "he beats you up?"

Why did I say that? Now she won't like me because I get beat up! Not that she would like me anyways "it's not that bad" he lied remembering the time Calum broke his nose.

"Well if he ever does it again just let me know okay? I'll talk to him about it" she said in a reassuring tone that soothed all of his pain.

"Mmhmm" he nodded drifting off into a fantasy land where she kissed him on the forehead and held his hand down the hallway.

"Hey! Green day!" She said noticing his shirt.

The fantasy faded and he hit reality "Uh yeah" he looked down "you like them?"

"Yes! They're wicked, but I have to say nickel back really gets me. That guitar solo in Edge of a Revolution is killer"

He dropped his jaw. In all these years not one girl has ever talked to him and shared the same interests "no way! Nickel back is sick!"

"Do you play guitar?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm in this really sucky band"

She smiled "you're in a band! That's so cool! Wow you must be really popular with the ladies"

He laughed "oh yes they line up at the door" he said sarcastically "nah we aren't that great, were missing something we just don't know what it is"

"What's your band name?" She asked getting more and more interested as the conversation went on.

"Five Seconds of summer" he said.

"I like it" Delilah nodded "you guys play any gigs?" She asked.

"Yeah but I wouldn't come, we suck balls"

"Well of course I'm going to come! Here just text me the details" she said grabbing a pen and writing down her number on his hand.


"Find your seats!" The teacher said emerging from her desk chair as the bell rang.

"It was nice to meet you Mikey" she said "can I call you Mikey?"

You can call me anything you want babe "Yeah it's cool. It was nice to meet you Lilah" Michael responded "can I call you Lilah?"

"You can call me anything you want" She smiled and walked back to her seat.

The glow of her face and the warmth of her heart could only mean one thing. She's an angel, and heaven is a place on earth.

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