Show you What you're Really Worth

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Calum walked down the hallway saying hi to everyone he came in contact with. Except Michael of course.

"You do the homework?" He asked.

"Nope" Michael said calmly. His heart beat faster every second.

"What? Did you say no?" Calum walked closer.

"That's right Calum, I didn't do the homework. You can't keep pushing me around!"

Calum stared confused "are you actually standing up to me?" He asked laughing "you are so stupid! I'm going to kick your-" before he could finish his sentence he was hit with a stinging pain in his cheek "did you just punch me?"

"Yes!" Michael replied exited "yeah! Yeah I did!"

"That's it Cliff-" again another stinging pain in his cheek.

"Shut up Hood!" Michael yelled like Calum did to him.

"That's it!" Calum grabbed his shirt and held him against the lockers hitting him repeatedly with his other hand.

"Calum! Stop!" Delilah yelled running over "put him down! Let go! Stop!" She tried grabbing his arm but he pushed her away.

"Babe not now!" He yelled back at her.

"Don't yell at her!" Michael said spitting out some blood.

"Don't tell me how to talk to my girlfriend" Calum said through gritted teeth and slamming Michael against the wall.

"Calum no!" Delilah ran up to him again.

Calum turned around and hit her on the side of her face. She gasped and held her hand to her cheek.

"Big mistake" Michael said and kneed Calum in between the legs. Calum slummed down to the floor "don't ever hit her again!" Michael yelled furious "you can punch me all you want but you are never to lay a finger on her!" Blood fell from his nose and his eye was beginning to turn a shade of purple. He walked over to Delilah who sat on the floor. "Are you okay?" He asked holding his hand out.

"Yes..Michael your face is-"

"Look I know it's gorgeous but please try and contain it" he joked and helped her up.

"You need to go to the nurse" she said and grabbed a tissue from her backpack. She held it to his nose.

"This will not help" he said pinching his nose together.

She giggled.

"Don't laugh! I'm in pain!" He smiled "it's not funny!"

"Your voice" she laughed "I'm sorry I'm sorry"

"Michael!" Calum yelled from the floor "you're a dick!"

You too Michael replied in his head and walked down the hall to the nurses office with Delilah by his side.

They both went into the office and said he ran into a locker and hit his eye on the corner of it. The naïve nurse believed them and she cleaned him up and sent them off to lunch.

"So...are you still going to date him?" Michael asked holding an ice pack to his face.

She looked over "of course not"

"Why 'of course' ?" He asked putting his hand down. Do you like me? Is that why?

"Because you're my friend and he just beat you up! Plus he hit me.." She trailed off remembering the pain.

Friend "well good, I don't want you to stay with him"

"You don't?"

"No, he's a jerk" Michael said.

"Is that the only reason why?" Delilah asked.

"Yeah" No "He doesn't deserve a girl as amazing as you, he won't treat you right" I would "you're worth so much and he doesn't see that" I do though and I could show you what you're really worth.

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